Community project funding, TUPs, zoning bylaw

By Andrea Arnold

Mayor Torgerson called the April 21, 2022 Valemount public hearing portion to discuss the following temporary use permit applications. Councillor Gee was absent from the meeting.

TUP 22-01 for 1301 9th Ave proposing a temporary residential structure for up to two years.

TUP 22-03 for 1460 7th Ave proposing a temporary residential structure for up to two years.

TUP 22-04 for 1915 Cranberry Place proposing a temporary residential structure for up to two years.

Councillor Pearson asked what happens if midway through the two years, the unit itself changes. Are these permits for the site or the unit? Village Planner Krista Etty explained that the permits are for the site location. If the unit itself is going to change there is a staff process that needs to be completed to ensure proper certification for the unit, but the site permit does not need to be readdressed.

TUP 22-05 for 1122 8h Ave proposing a temporary residential structure for up to two years.

Receiving no comments from Council, applicants or public, the public hearing was adjourned and the meeting transitioned to the regular council meeting.

In-camera items from March 22, 2022.

The following items were recorded as brought out of in-camera in the minutes from the meeting held on March 22, 2022, and included in the adoption of the minutes from that meeting.

Item 5.1 – Village Housing Options

IC Res # 24/22

Council moved to issue a Request for Expressions of Interest for a developer to design and build a fourplex unit and to purchase the Village-owned property at 1155 – 6th Avenue.

Item 5.2 – Canadian Mountain Holidays Snow Removal Agreement

IC Res # 25/22

Council declined to enter into an agreement with Canadian Mountain Holidays and will continue with snow removal at the Valemount Airport as time permits.

Item 5.3 – Geothermal Project Report

IC Res #27/22

Council directed staff to contact legal counsel regarding an agreement between Borealis and the Village of Valemount, subject to grant funding approval for the Geothermal project.

IC Res #28/22

Council moved that subsequent to funding approval, it is confirmed with Borealis that as per the language in the current MOU, the Village will not be providing funding for this project, and that the project must be funded through grants.

Item 5.4 – CAO/CO Selection for Interviews

IC Res #29/22

Council directed staff to contact the applicants chosen by Council to proceed to the interview process.

Stumpage fee resolution to be submitted

Council agreed that the following be submitted to the Union of BC Municipalities as a resolution, and to North Central Local Government Association as a late resolution.

WHEREAS The tabular stumpage rate system that currently applies to community forest agreements provides the means through which community forests innovate, operate in contentious areas, invest in long-term forest stewardship and provide jobs and other benefits to their communities;

AND WHEREAS The ability of community forests to innovate and invest in community priorities including climate change adaptation, wildfire risk reduction, ecosystem restoration, old growth management, recreational infrastructure development, and community economic development relies upon the current stumpage rates;

AND WHEREAS Any change in the current tabular stumpage policy that results in an increased stumpage rates and additional administrative burden for community forest tenures will greatly reduce and undermine the capacity of community forests to provide key socio-economic benefits to the communities that they support. The tabular stumpage policy

enables community forest agreement holders to implement modernized forest policies and to meet the full range of community objectives while operating viable businesses.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia maintain the tabular rate structure for community forest agreements.

Building permits

Council received March 2022 building inspection and permit values for information.


Building Permits: $6,928,000

Plumbing Permits: $45,000

Total: $6,973,000

The majority of this total reflects the new daycare and affordable housing project on 5th Ave. It also includes included a new secondary suite in an existing singleâ€family dwelling


Building Permits: $28,061.00

Plumbing Permits: $828.00

Total: $28,889.00


Building Permits: 2

Plumbing Permits: 5

Bylaw Enforcement

Council received March 2022 bylaw enforcement summary report. In the month of March there were four new bylaw contraventions. Two animal control violations, one traffic/parking violation and one business license bylaw violation.

Low speed vehicles

Council received the low speed vehicle report. The report outlined the regulations put in place by the Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and the Motor Vehicle Act regarding low-speed vehicles. It concluded by saying in addition to the restrictions imposed by these governing authorities, the Village of Valemount Recreation and Off Highway Vehicles Bylaw No 318, 1990, prohibits the use of off-road vehicles on public lands within village boundaries.

Community project funding

The following funding recommendations provided by the adjudication committee were approved by Council. The projects will receive money from the Columbia Basin Trust -Community Initiatives and Affected areas program. The motion was presented and voted on as a block item. Councillor McLean excused herself for the entirety of this motion due to her ownership of the proposed location of the climbing wall.

1. The Senior Citizens Housing Society receive $99,500.00 for their project, Valemount Cares – Commercial Kitchen.

2. The Yellowhead Outdoor Recreation Association receive $18,000.00 for their project, Snowmobile and Groomer Replacement.

3. The Valemount Curling Club receive $5,354.74 for their project, Kitchen Fire Suppression” 

System Upgrade.

4. The Valemount Entertainment Society receive $35,392.00 for their project, CHVC-TV Channel 7 Conversion to Digital – Phase 1 (of 2).

5. The Valemount Lions Club receive $35,763.00 for their project, New Roof and Exit door for the Lions Hall.

6. The Valemount Climbing Club receive $124,000.00 for their project, Valemount Climbing Club Phase 2.

7. The Valemount Ski Society receive the remainder of the funding in the amount of $38,848.98 for their project, A Community Yurt.

Upcoming election appointments

Council appointed Carleena Shepherd, Deputy Corporate Officer as Chief Election Officer for the 2022 General Local Election, and that Grant Clerk Tracey Dennis be appointed as Deputy Chief Election Officer. An oath of office was conducted for both appointees.

Temporary Use Permits

Council approved TUP 22-01 for 1301 9th ave proposing a temporary residential structure for up to two years.

Council approved TUP 22-03 for 1460 7th ave proposing a temporary residential structure for up to two years.

Council approved TUP 22-04 for 1915 Cranberry Place proposing a temporary residential structure for up to two years.

Council approved TUP 22-05 for 1122 8h Ave proposing a temporary residential structure for up to two years.

Council gave initial approval for TUP 22-06 for 1155 14th Ave proposing a temporary residential structure for up to two years.

Street Vendor alternative locations

Council agreed that the public consultation requirement for Street Vendor II Alternative Locations remains in place, requiring permit applications to be submitted every year if the requested location is not within the assigned zoning. Every three years, the location is presented to the public for approval. This discussion came as a result of a request made by David Grant, owner of the Funky Goat Eatery, proposing that after six years – two three-year temporary use permits – the alternative locations become permanent without the need to reapply to the Village.

Board of Directors for VCF/VIP

Council received a report from the Valemount Community Forest and Valemount Industrial Park Board of Directors regarding appointments to the board. Both current members and the Village want to provide as much time as possible for interested individuals to apply for board positions. The report outlines the tentative timeline for applications.

April 21 st “ First VIC/VIP Ad for letters of interest

May 5th “ Second VIC/VIP Ad for letters of interest (15″day min. for advertising is met)

May 9th “ Deadline for applicant submissions

May 10th “ Submissions forwarded to VCF/VIP Manager

May 31st “ VCF/VIP Annual General Meeting “ Appointment of Council Rep. to Boards

June 10th “ VCF/VIP recommendations to Council for final approval

June 14th “ First Council Meeting following VCF/VIP AGM “ Council approves final appointments to VCF/VIP Boards

Bylaws and Policies

Council gave the Village of Valemount Zoning Bylaw No 847, 2021 Amendment Bylaw No. 858, 2022 first and second reading. The amendment addresses not only the issue raised regarding the removal of “Automotive Repair Shop” use from being included, but also Accessory Dwelling Unit regulations.

First, the proposed amendment would add “Repair Shop” as a permitted use to the C4 zone as well as C2 zoned properties west of Fir Street. This restricts the use to areas where it is most fitting, while also returning the use to properties in which it was removed.

Accessory dwelling unit (ADU) regulations inadvertently limited the number of ADU’s in commercial zones to one. The amended bylaw will provide separate regulations for residential and commercial zones, and update the uses in each zone to correspond with the changes.

Council approved the amendment of Leave of Absence Policy No 15, 2013 to permit employees to pay back benefit contributions after a leave of absence, rather than pre-paying beforehand.

Council reports

In the council reports portion of the meeting, Mayor Torgerson reported that he met with CAO of Northern Development Initiative Trust, Joel McKay. In discussion on the Northern Healthy Communities Fund the topic of community growth in Valemount was brought up. Mayor Torgerson provided Council a draft copy of a letter requesting Valemount’s inclusion in the Northern Health Communities Fund distribution due to explosive community growth. The letter also requests that McKay advocate for the community to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. Council approved the letter.

Public Comment

Rashmi Narayan addressed Council regarding the letter Mayor Torgerson will be submitting regarding the NDIT funding.

She stated that she approached NDIT about the Northern Healthy Communities Fund a year ago. She said that wrap around services for supportive living also falls under the funding, and the seniors housing project qualifies as well.

Council proceed to an in-camera portion for consideration of four items per Section 90 (1): (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality, (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality, and (i) the receipt of advice that is subject that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (two items).