By Andrea Arnold

The April 11th meeting for Valemount council began with a public hearing for temporary use permit 23-02. Village planner Krista Etty presented an application summary for TUP 23-02 for 1292 Fowler Place proposing the use of an RV as a temporary residential structure for up to two years. No written submissions had been received prior to the meeting, and the applicant was not present. There was no public comment or council, so the public meeting was adjourned.

Mayor Torgerson called the regular council meeting to order.

Building inspection report – March 2023

Estimated construction values

Building Permits: $115,000 

New Solid Fuel Appliances: $6000 

Total: $121,000 This total reflects a new manufactured home and 1 new certified wood stove. 

Permit fees collected

Building Permits: $130

New Solid Fuel Appliances: $130

Total: $260 

Permits issued

Building Permits: 1 

New Solid Fuel Appliances: 1 

New permit numbers are typically low at this time of year  

Bylaw enforcement report – February 2023

In February 2023 bylaw enforcement received two reported contraventions regarding animals, one good neighbour bylaw contravention, one solid waste collection issue and two traffic regulation bylaw contraventions. They also reported 13 accounts that had either achieved compliance, or received no further complaints.

Temporary use permit

Council approved TUP 23-02 for 1292 Fowler Place proposing the use of an RV as a temporary residential structure for up to two years.

Additional grant request – Olson 100th Birthday

Council approved a grant in the amount of $210 to Sherry Tinsley for the purpose of covering additional costs associated with the Community Hall Rental for a 100th Birthday celebration for Alice Olson.

Anti-idling Bylaw

Council gave Anti-idling amendment bylaw no. 874, 2023 first, second and third reading.

Council gave bylaw notice enforcement and dispute adjudication amendment bylaw no. 875, 2023 first, second and third reading.

Council gave Municipal Ticket Information amendment bylaw no. 876, 2023, first, second and third reading. Currently the Municipal Ticket Information System enforces Valemount’s anti-idling bylaw. The amendment will allow the Bylaw Notice Enforcement and Dispute Adjudication System to take over the responsibility. The amendment also contains a housekeeping item to remove duplicated traffic bylaw fines.

Travel cost covered

Mayor Torgerson made a request to have his travel costs covered so that he can attend the in person meeting –  Virtual Old Growth Strategic Review Implementation in Prince George on Tuesday April 25 at 9:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. Councillor Pearson made the motion and the request was granted.


Council proceeded to an in-camera session for consideration of Section (1)(k) of the Community Charter to discuss matters related to negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are that their preliminary stages and that, in the view of council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.

Thank you to VCTV for providing recordings of Council meetings.