By Andrea Arnold

This report was created from the draft minutes from the June 23, 2020 McBride Council meeting as at the time of press the audio from the Zoom meeting was not yet available.

McBride Village Council met June 23, 2020 at 7:00pm via Zoom by Deputy Mayor Green. In attendance were Councillors Smith, Frederick, and Hruby, along with CAO McCutcheon.

Council addressed and passed a three part motion in regards to Ministerial Order M192 Open Meeting. Council passed the motion that Council and Staff acknowledge the order and will strive to make best efforts to meet the legislative requirements. And further, the June 23, 2020 meeting was held without the public present due to limited space in Council Chambers in respect to COVID requirements, and limited technology. Also, Council recognizes that the agenda, draft minutes and the Zoom meeting recording for this meeting will be posted on the Village website by Administration. Administration will also provide Council a plan for public input at upcoming meetings in order to ensure local measures are being taken for openness, transparency, accessibility and accountability.

Council passed the motion directing Administration to respond to Ms. Danielle Alan, Director, McBride and District Chamber of Commerce with what level of participation Council will commit to, for the Vintage car procession on July 4, 2020.

Council passed a motion approving temporary Street closure of Main Street from 1st , to 2nd Ave, on Wednesday July 15, 2020 from 4:00pm – 10:00pm for the Royal Canadian Legion of McBride Branch #75 to host “In Car” Bingo. The approval is contingent on receipt and Administration approval of a COVID-19 Safety Operating plan. The organizers hope this is approved to allow the Legion to generate some much needed revenue.

Council approved first, second and third reading of Council Procedures Amendment Bylaw No. 790, 2020, and further approved a Special Meeting on July 7, 2020 to adopt the amended Bylaw. The amended bylaw would see the Village move to one Regular council meeting in each summer month, July and August. If needed, a Special Meeting can be scheduled.

Council approved both applications to the Village of McBride Business FaÔ§ade Improvement Program from Vincent De Niet for projects at 222 Main St. and 552 Main St in McBride, to a maximum of $5,000. 222 Main Street (Spyder – across from the IGA building) would receive new siding, fir trim and a new door. 552 Main Street (across from the library/museum) would have a new wooden entrance and awning installed, the old concrete step removed and the door/window trim painted.

The McBride Community Market’s COVID-19 operating plan has been submitted to the Village, and approved. They intend to open the first market of the season on July 3, 2020. Councillor Hruby recused herself from the discussion as the insurance provider for the Market. Council approved a $250.00 grant in aid to cover the costs of the 2020 annual insurance fees.

Council passed the motion to remove Mayor Runtz as the Alternate Delegate of the Regional District of Fraser Fort George Board of Directors, and a replacement be appointed.

Councillor Green nominated Councillor Hruby, and Hruby accepted. Councillor Frederick nominated Deputy Mayor Green who declined. With no other nominations, Council passed the motion that Councillor Hruby be appointed as the Alternate delegate to the Regional District of Fraser Fort George Board of Directors.

Council passed the motion that in accordance with Section 90 (l) (c ) labour relations or other employee relations, and (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privileges, including communications necessary for that purpose, Council move into a closed in-camera meeting at 7:41pm.