By Andrea Arnold

The members of McBride Council met via Zoom on Tuesday April 28, 2020. Mayor Gene Runtz, and CAO Sheila McCutcheon were joined by Councillors Rosemary Hruby, Lucille Green, Diane Smith and Allan Frederick.

Draft Lease
Council passed the motion to approve the draft Lease between Northland Properties Corporation (landlord) and The Corporation of McBride (tenant) for the land currently being used for the sewage treatment facilities as well as the eco-tourism park “Phil & Jennie Gaglardi Park.” Lawyer Pat Cotter from Wilson King LLP was present to summarize the agreement. The draft was created using the 2010 lease as a guideline. The agreement is for a 60-year lease with the option to renew for 39 years. The rent cost to the Village is a one time payment of $100. By agreeing to the terms, the Village is committing to covering expenses that arise during the duration of the agreement, including but not limited to liability insurance and taxes on the leased land. At the conclusion of the lease agreement, the Village is required to restore and remediate the land based on the environmental regulations at the time.This means all evidence of the lagoon system needs to be removed and the land returned to its natural state and drainage. The Landlord retains the option of leaving the Eco-tourism park in its current state (at the time of lease expiry).

5-year financials
Council passed the motion to give first and second reading to the Five-Year Financial Plan (2020-2024) Bylaw No 793.2020; and further give third and final adoption of the same bylaw at the May 12, 2020 Regular Council meeting. If there are questions or concerns brought forward by Council members by Tuesday May 5, 2020 they will be addressed by Village Administration or, if needed, a special meeting scheduled before May 12.

Property Tax
Council approved the motion to give 2020 Municipal Property Tax Bylaw No 794.2020 first and second reading; and further consider third and final reading at the meeting on May 12, 2020.

Liquor Retail
Council passed the motion approving a three- year extension on the Liquor Distribution Branch retail lease in McBride from August 1, 2020 to July 31, 2023 at a rate of 8.90 per square foot. At the end of the lease, there will be the option to renew presented. Council also moved to authorize Mayor Runtz and CAO McCutcheon to execute the lease agreement.

Council was adjourned at 7:40pm by Mayor Runtz.