By Andrea Arnold

McBride Village Council met on August 25, 2020 and the meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Deputy Mayor Lucille Green.

Council passed a motion to appoint David AIderdice as the Chief Financial Officer for the Corporation of the Village of McBride and to authorize CAO Sheila McCutcheon to administer the Oath of Office to AIderdice.

Public Attendance Plan
Council received the report to council titled Public Attendance at Open Meetings. CAO Sheila McCutcheon reported that due to the WorkSafe COVID-19 regulations regarding space/person ratios, holding the meetings in the Council chambers would reduce the number of people able to be present. It is recommended that meetings through Zoom continue. They are working on a plan to present the next meeting (September 8) as a live feed.

More Building Permits
Council passed a motion to receive the Building Stats Report to July 31, 2020. In the month of July, two single family dwelling additions were granted a permit, as well as one heating unit totalling a value of $16,000.

MCBF AGM Planning
Council passed a motion to set the date and time for the McBride Community Forest Corporation Annual General meeting as the McBride Community Forest Corporation Shareholder. MCFC has requested for a date sooner rather than later, and has agreed to help work on the logistics and details. Council agreed to present two possible meeting dates; October 8th or 14th at 7:00pm. The location (TBD) needs to be able to safely contain a max of 50 people and meet all worksafe COVID-19 regulations, or be held through a virtual platform.

Ancient Forest Call for Support
Council received a letter from Russ Purvis regarding the Ancient Forest. Purvis would like to see the Village step into a leadership role to unify the many communities and other user groups. A Regional Advisory Council composed of non-government staff who care about the future of the area. This group could help bring the vision of the Ancient Forest as a destination. Russ was present during the Zoom call and the members of Council agreed to let him speak to the cause. He mentioned that he would like to see a Councillor to be a part of this advocacy group. CAO McCutcheon suggested that a presentation outlining the support from all the groups involved be made and presented at UBCM in a few weeks.

New Discrimintation, Bullying and Harassment Policy
Council moved to rescind the Village of McBride Policy OSH-01 B&H Policy, 2015, and the adoption of draft Workplace Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment Policy as presented. The adapted policy meets current WorkSage BC regulations. The motion passed.

Signing Authority
Council moved to authorize Chief Financial Officer David AIderdice as a signing officer for all Village of McBride Scotiabank and MFA banking and investment purposes. The motion passed.

Financial Statement
Council moved to receive the Village of McBride 2019 Statement of Financial Information Report as presented. The motion passed. There was a comment made regarding some of the formatting that will be dealt with before the final draft is produced.

Council then moved into a Closed In-Camera Meeting in accordance with Section 90(l) (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality, (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and (l) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes preparing and annual report under Section 98 [annual municipal report].
The regular portion of the meeting adjourned at 7:52 pm.