By Andru McCracken

On July 9th the Village of McBride public works crew used a high volume pump to help move water from the south side of 2nd Avenue to the north, where Dominion creek usually drains via a culvert.
A 3 foot wide 6 foot deep hole opened up in the road bed after a severe rain event.
“During the flooding water was cutting in underneath the pavement, so we’re not too sure how much damage there might be underneath the culvert,” said McCutcheon.
“We’re just getting organized now to see how much water we can pull out of this side, in order to have it dry to to do the excavation,” said McCutcheon.
They had an excavator delicately remove some of the earth towards the ditch to get a better idea of what was going on. An engineer was enroute to assess the damage to the road.
See more photos here:
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