By Laura Keil

Canada’s federal election results are in, and for incumbent Prince George Peace River Northern Rockies MP Bob Zimmer, it’s a landslide victory.
Preliminary results show Zimmer gathered a whopping 70 per cent of the vote (38,157 votes of 54,597 cast), 17 percentage points higher than in 2015. Both the Liberals and NDP lost ground from the last election, the Liberals going from 25 per cent of the vote to 11.5 per cent, and the NDP going from 15.5 to 9 per cent. The Green Party edged slightly up from 5.2 to 6.2. The People’s Party of Canada picked up 3.2 per cent of the vote.
Voter turnout in the PG-PR-NR riding was slightly higher than nationally, at 69 per cent (nationally, it was 66 per cent).

Nationally, the Liberal Party of Canada held onto power but lost its majority government. The new minority government will need the support of another party to pass legislation. The ruling party needs 170 seats for a majority and the Liberals got only 157 according to preliminary results.
The Liberals also lost all their seats in the prairie provinces and some seats in B.C.