By Andrea Arnold

McBride Village Council met for their regular meeting on Tuesday September 10, 2019.”  Acting Mayor Frederick called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.”  Councillors Green, Smith and Hruby along with CAO McCutcheon, were in attendance.

Council passed a motion to approve the terms of reference for the Select Committee of Council Robson Valley Caribou Herd Planning Committee.”  It was noted there are nine individuals who have expressed interested in being a part of the committee. Council also took the opportunity to appoint a member of council to the Robson Valley Caribou Herd Planning Committee.”  Councillor Smith was nominated by Councillor Hruby and seconded by Councillor Green. ”  Council passed a motion to appoint councillor Smith to the Robson Valley Caribou Herd Planning Committee.

McBride RCMP Cpl. Kyle Ushock has contacted Council Administration on behalf of RCMP Commanding Officer of the “E” Division asking if Council has any concerns they would like to address during the UBCM Convention. Administration is seeking input from Council as to any comments or concerns they would like to discuss at the convention.” 

During the November 12, 2018 meeting, it was decided that the delegate position for Regional District be reconsidered in a year.”  The General Manager of Legislative and Corporate Services for the Regional District is inquiring as to the length of the term. Council passed a motion to appoint Councillor Allan Frederick to be appointed as Delegate for the remainder of the 4-year term.”  And further, that Mayor Eugene Runtz be appointed as the Alternate for the remainder of the 4-year term.

Council passed a motion approving CAO McCutcheon and Councillor Frederick’s participation as Interveners in the BC Hydro and Power Authority Fleet Electrification Rate Application.”  Councillor Frederick was nominated for the position by Councillor Smith and seconded by Councillor Green.

Council passed a motion entering into a purchase agreement with Approach Navigation Systems Inc. for the AWOs II weather system equipment and installation for $86,396.60.”  Through a friendly amendment, the motion was authorized. CAO McCutcheon and Acting Mayor Frederick will execute the purchase agreement.

Council approved the motion to approve the Village of McBride Emergency Management Plan and Evacuation Plan.”  A copy of the document can be found on the Village of McBride website.

Council passed a motion that in accordance with Section 90(l) (c ) labour relations and other employee relations, and (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, Council move into a closed In-Camera meeting.