By Andrea Arnold

Mayor Gene Runtz called the August 9, 2022 McBride council meeting to order at 7:00pm.  

Splash park

Council passed the motion to support the Community Revitalization and Beautification Committee’s recommendation that the Village conduct a feasibility study for a splash park. The part of the motion to support the formation of a steering committee was removed in an amendment. Further, Council directed staff to research feasibility study costs and bring this information back to Council at a future meeting. Council discussed the possibility of forming a steering committee if following the study, there is a way to go ahead with the next steps towards the park.

McBride Tourism Committee

Council voted to adopt the McBride Tourism Committee Terms of Reference as presented, or as amended, and to alter the number of members to the in Camera portion. 

Following in Camera, the motion was brought back out into the public meeting. Council passed the motion to adopt the Terms of Reference as presented with seven members for the committee. 

Fire protection area expansion

Council approved the application from the Regional District of Fraser Fort George to expand fire protection service boundary to include the property located south of the existing boundary along Crescent Lake Road and west of the existing boundary along Hinkelman Road. Council resolved to give consent to the adoption of McBride District Fire Protection Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1998, Amendment Bylaw 3273, 2022, by the Board of Directors of the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George, and that the Regional District be so advised.

In camera

Council moved to the in camera portion of the meeting for consideration of matter of the Community Charter related to Section 90 (1)(c) labour relations or other employee relations, (e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality, (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary sae and that, n the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.

The regular meeting was recessed at 7:37pm.