By: Andrea Arnold

The McBride Council met for their regular meeting on March 26, 2019. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Acting Mayor Alan Frederick as Mayor Gene Runtz was returning from Prince George. Also in attendance were Councillors Smith, Green and Hruby.

Jeff Corbett returned to council with a letter beginning to address the concerns brought forward after his presentation earlier this year. He discussed the precautions that are in place for avalanche awareness and safety. He also mentioned that winter cabin bookings can be cancelled and refunded if elevated avalanche hazard becomes a concern. Presented with this information, council approved the motion to direct

Administration to provide the Ozalenka Alpine Club with a letter of support for the proposed backcountry cabin along the Kristi Glacier Trail.

Rick Thompson used the opportunity to ask a few questions regarding the budget.

He asked about the 3% increase in the budget outline. CAO McCutcheon responded that the funds will be put into a future capital reserve.

He also asked about the breakdown of taxes paid by residential and commercial properties. It was confirmed that the numbers are consistent with last year, with Residental sitting at 53% and Business with 37%.

Council passed a motion to receive a report on the 2019-2020 school configurations for information. The report indicates that for the 2019-2020 school year, both McBride Centennial and Secondary Schools will continue to operate in their current configurations. Principal of McBride Secondary School, Dan Kenkel has requested a meeting with Council on this matter.

A motion was passed by Council to provide a letter of support for the Robson Valley Chapter of the Back Country Horsemen of BC in their application to Northern Healths Imagine Grant Program. If successful the money received would go for construction for the multi-use all season trail network and rustic equine campground on Bell Mountain.

A motion for the rezoning application of the former library property was carried by Council.

A report regarding BC Hydro Pricing Structure was received by Council for information. A discussion around how and when the Village should contact the BC Utilities Commission to make an argument on behalf of the community.

Council passed a motion approving a $50.00 Grant in aid to the McBride and District Chamber for the 2019 Loggers Bonspiel.

Council approved entering into a service contract with Dillon Consulting to create the McBride Charlie Leake Airport Development Plan for $10,750

A motion was passed stating that Council approves awarding Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia with the Village Commercial Property Insurance and AD&D renewal for the period of April 10, 2019 to April 10, 2020.

Council approved the 2019 Operating, Water and Sewer Budgets as presented and directed Administration to prepare the Five-Year Financial Plan Bylaw for 2019-2023.

The motion that Council approves the 2019 Capital Budget as presented and directs Administration to prepare the Five-Year Financial Plan from 2019-2023. The decision regarding what equipment will be purchased for Public Works was tabled for a later date.

Council approved the motion to implement a 3% Municipal Tax increase for 2019 and direct Administration to prepare the Five-Year Financial Plan and 2019 Tax Rate Bylaw with the 3% increase included.

Council confirmed that Councillor Smith and Frederick will be attending a meeting with Shirley Bond, MLA Prince George-Valemount along with the Mayor and CAO McCutcheon.

The regular Council meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.