by Andrea Arnold

The McBride Council met for their regular meeting on April 9, 2019.” The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Acting Mayor Alan Frederick as Mayor Gene Runtz was attending a Provincial Caribou Recovery Engagement meeting in Prince George. Also in attendance were Councillors Smith, Green and Hruby.
Council passed a motion to receive a report regarding the Union of BC Municipalities’ (UBCM’s) annual resolution submission deadline of June 30, 2019. Although the official deadline to submit resolutions to the Area Associations has passed, UBCM will accept direct submissions that have Council or Board endorsement until the new date of June 20, 2019.
Council passed a motion to reschedule the April 23, 2019 regular council meeting to April 30, 2019 at 7:00pm to accommodate the Provincial Caribou Recovery Engagement meeting on the same date.
The motion that Council cancel the previously scheduled Committee of the Whole meeting on April 16, 2019 was passed. Administration addressed all items bought up at the 2019 Budget Public consultation on March 26, 2019. The 5 Year Financial Plan report and Bylaw will be brought to the next scheduled Regular council meeting on April 30, 2019.
A Grant-in-Aid request from the McBride Elks & Royal Purple for $250 was moved and passed for expenses related to 2019 Pioneer Days Events..
Councillor Smith removed herself from the next item. Council approved a letter of support for the Valley Museum and Archives grant application to Northern Development Initiative Trust for their “Renovating the Valley Museum Outdoor Space” project.
Phillip Germuth, Mayor, District of Kitimat requested support from McBride council regarding the finalization and implementation of the Graduated Licensing Program for Motorcycles (GLP-M). This would include power restrictions and mandatory training. Council voted in favour of directing administration to write a letter to the Province supporting the cause.
A late item was amended: a request from J. MacMaster requesting the temporary closure of Main Street from 1st to 2nd Avenue from 10:00am – 12:00pm on Saturday April 20, 2019 for the Elks & Royal Purple Easter Egg hunt. Acting Mayor Frederick requested the amendment to include Holdway street to provide more safe space for the children. The amendment was moved and approved.
Council passed a motion that Sheila McCutcheon, Chief Administrative Officer, be appointed Approving Officer for the Village of McBride effective immediately.
A motion approving the receipt of a report to council regarding the Northern Capital and Planning grant was passed by council.
Council passed a motion to receive a report to council for information about the double gas tax transfer.
The motion was that council address the upcoming Caribou Conservation planning community engagement meeting scheduled for April 23, 2019 by providing Administration with direction for next steps was clarified. The actions to be taken by administration is to set a meeting prior to April 23 as a planning meeting for council.
KPMG Manager Ben Campbell will be attending the April 30, 2019 meeting, (moved from the regular April 23 date), to provide a public presentation of the 2018 Village of McBride Audited Financial Statements. This will be an opportunity for Council to ask questions.
Council passed a motion in principle, to approve an application to Northern Development Initiative Trust Housing Needs Assessment Funding program.
Council agreed to join forces with the Village staff in creating a Pioneer Days Float.
Council set the date for a special council meeting for the Adoption of the 5 Year Financial Plan Bylaw 2019-2023 and 2019 Tax Rate Bylaw. Council scheduled a Special Meeting on May 2, 2019 at 7pm to adopt these items.
The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:27 in order for Council to move to a closed in-camera session.