By Andrea Arnold

The Village of McBride Council met for a Committee of the Whole meeting on February 19, 2019 to discuss the 2019 Provisional Budget. Present were Mayor Gene Runtz, Councillors Allan Frederick, Diane Smith and Lucille Green, CAO Sheila McCutcheon and CFO Claudia Frost. EDO Karen DubÔ© was also present. Councillor Rosemary Hruby was unable to attend. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the budget only. No motions or decisions were made.
This meeting was the first of several that will be held over the next two months as council irons out the details of both the 2019 Budget as well as the 2019-2023 Financial Plan and Tax Rate Bylaws. The Provisional Budget that was presented to council was created implementing a 2% Municipal Tax increase. This increase would increase the total property tax revenue by a projected $9,214 for 2019.
Figures from 2016-2018, both budgeted and actual, were included in the presentation for the purpose of comparison and planning. Some estimated costs had to be factored in, as actual figures were not available at the time of presentation. Administration is working to finalize these costs as they work through the budgeting process. Also, important to note is the fact that these numbers do not include any outside income through grants or other means.
The next Committee of the Whole Council Meeting to discuss the 2019 budget will be held in council chambers on March 5, 2019 at 6:30pm. At this meeting there will be a presentation of the 2019 Operational and Capital Budgets.” Departments will be in attendance to answer questions pertaining to their services.” The following special meetings are listed on the Village of McBride website, under Meeting Schedules 2019. Any meetings outside the regular meetings will begin at 6:30 pm and are open to the public.
During the regularly scheduled council meeting on Tuesday March 26, 2019 at 7:00 pm, the budget presentation will be the first item on the evening’s agenda.