By Goat Staff

Mayor Jeannette Townsend, councillors Hollie Blanchette, Peter Reimer, Sandy Salt and Owen Torgerson met on October 9, 2018 for their last council meeting before the municipal election although they will have another one as this council before the swearing-in. Interim Chief Administrative Officer Doug Fleming and Corporate Services Clerk Carleena Shepherd were the staff present.
Complex Subdivision Approvals Outsourced
Lidstone & Company were appointed as Interim Subdivision Approval Officer for complex subdivisions requiring construction of new roads and utility main services. Lidstone & Company is a law company based in Vancouver with expertise in local government and land development.
Community Hall Fees waived for VARDA
Council waived fees for VARDA to host a fundraiser in January 2019 for the Allen Creek / Tony Parisi Memorial Cabin.
Swift Creek Bridge Work Concerns
Resident Joan Nordli sent a letter to Ministry of Transportation and the Village with concerns that the bridge work impacts salmon spawning. There was a letter from the ministry that such work had gone through the checks from various departments and ministries before the work commenced.
Daycare Expansion Feasibility
Council approved staff to apply to 2019 UBCM Community Child Care Planning Program for a maximum amount of $25,000, in partnership with the Valemount Children’s Activity Society, for a feasibility study to expand daycare spaces.
More Funding from Resort Municipality Initiative
Starting 2019-20, the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture will allocate increase the Resort Municipality Initiative funds to Valemount from $40,000 to $100,000 for a three-year term. Council approved the Economic Development Officer has to submit a three-year Resort Development Strategy with projects and outcomes that align with the community’s overall development goals.
Community Forest Resolutions for Restructuring
Council approved Amended Shareholder Agreements and Consent Resolutions as the Sole Shareholder of Valemount Community Forest and Valemount Industrial Park, as part of the restructuring of the Community Forest into two companies.
Permissive Tax Exemption
Council gave third reading to the 2019 Permissive Tax bylaw with a 100% tax exemption to churches and seniors’ housing as well as a reduced tax exemption for Valemount Curling Club (50%), Valemount Lions Club (50%), VARDA (50%) and Valemount Legion (75%) and 0% exemption for Valemount Affordable Rentals Society.
Remuneration Bylaw
Council gave third reading to remuneration bylaw for council members (a 2% increase over previous year). Effective January 1, 2019, the mayor will be paid $19,121.10 per year while each councillor will be paid $8,605.00 per year. They will be paid extra for travel related expenses.
Fees and Charges Bylaw
Council gave first, second and third reading to the Village of Valemount Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 792, 2018 to increase utility water and sewer rates by 9.5% and solid waste rate by 3% in 2019.
Development Cost Charges Bylaw
Council gave first, second and third readings to amend the DCC Bylaw to include not-for-profit rental housing, for-profit affordable housing and developments with low environmental impact as developments eligible to have DCCs waived. The Mayor said that the decision to waive or reduce DCCs would be decided on each circumstance when it comes to council.
Council Reports
All council members attended a special council meeting on October 3.
Torgerson attended the Valemount Community Forest and Tourism Valemount meetings.
Reimer attended the Valemount Entertainment Society and Community Forest meetings.
Blanchette attended a Healthy Communities meeting as two meetings for the renamed Robson Valley Community Services.
The mayor participated in a CBT meeting in Fernie and expressed the need for a transition house in Valemount.
In Camera Items
There were no in-camera items.