by Goat Staff

Valemount Mayor Owen Torgerson, councillors Sheri Gee, Donnie MacLean and Pete Pearson met on February 12, 2019 for their regular council meeting. New Chief Administrative Office Wayne Robinson and Corporate Services Clerk Carleena Shepherd were the staff present.
Public Comment
Eugene Jamin commented on authorized agent Shirley Sander’s request to waive the currently undeveloped 13th Avenue Right-of-Way for the 202 Ash Street subdivision development. He said that it shouldn’t be left to the Village to develop it at a later date, but rather be part of the developer’s responsibility.
RCMP Presentation
Sgt. Bob Dean made a presentation to council as the head for the Robson Valley Regional Detachments touching on three topics – traffic, youth and drugs. The RCMP’s main function is highway traffic compliance with the motor vehicle act, and drug trafficking because of the highway. Three members of the detachment are involved with the youth through minor hockey and occasionally play basketball with the elementary school kids. Sgt. Dean also played a 15-minute video highlighting the range of cases that the RCMP deal with.
Robson Valley Region Program update
Renee McCloskey, manager of external relations and Kenna Jonkman, manager of development services from the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George gave a presentation on the regional economic development program to attract interest for agriculture, forestry, tourism, government services, professionals and active retirees. Amanda Kruse is the current marketing coordinator based in McBride. The steering committee overseeing the program includes three representatives each from the villages of McBride, Valemount and the regional district along with regional district staff. The Robson Valley Region program was hosting an Open House on February 13 at the Dunster Community Hall to launch new promotional videos on the area.
Caribou Recovery Program
The Village of Valemount is satisfied that the Section 11 Conservation Agreement for Caribou Protection will be ratified only after comprehensive community consultations is complete.
Valemount Community Forest
Council received information that the two new directors are Peter Reimer and Ray Mikolash.
Columbia River Treaty Meetings
Council approved that Councillor MacLean attend the Columbia River Treaty local Governments’ Committee on March 14 & 15, 2019 in Nelson, BC.
Village of Valemount Officer Appointments
Council removed Doug Fleming as the Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Interim Corporate Officer and the Interim Subdivision Approving Officer for minor subdivisions for the Village of Valemount and appointed Wayne Robinson as Chief Administrative Officer and Corporate Officer for the Village of Valemount.
13th Avenue Road Right-of-Way Dedication
Council received a request from Shirley Sander to waive creating 13th Avenue as part of the 202 Ash Street subdivision development. Council did not take any action.
Burn Permits
Council received the report from staff to amend Fees and Charges Bylaw No 699, 2013 to allow the Village to charge $30 per burning permit valid for up to 14 days with a separate charge of $100 per burning permit for debris piles exceeding 1 cubic meter (land clearing) valid for up to 14 days. Councillor Pearson moved that the permit be extended free of charge if conditions for permit were not met during the 14 days.
Councillor Maclean made a motion for staff to research and explore funding options for the village to obtain equipment to monitor Valemount’s venting index, so that burn permits can be issued based on local conditions.
Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment for Shipping Containers
Council received information from staff to regulate the use and location of shipping containers by prohibiting them within most residential zones unless a valid building permit had been obtained, while permitting them within the RR1 and commercial zones providing that suitable landscaping, screening and or fencing is constructed. Councillor Gee expressed concerns that some zones allow shipping containers with screening and landscaping but not others. Councillor Pearson felt that sea cans in residential zones could be allowed with appropriate faÔ§ade to fit into the neighbourhood. Council deferred the decision to the next meeting.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw for 1080 Main Street
Council gave first and second readings to the Village of Valemount Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 794, 2019 to change the zoning designation for 1080 Main Street from Institutional and Cultural Facilities (P3) to Residential (R1), in order to permit residential use with a secondary suite.” Council approved having an upcoming Public Hearing for the zoning amendment.
Council Reports
Councillor MacLean attended the Northern Resource Forum in Prince George from January 22-24, 2019. While the forum focussed on proposed LNG development in northern BC, it also discussed unlocking BC’s potential for natural resources. She participated in a teleconference for Columbia River Treaty Local Governments’ Committee and attended the Local Government Management Association’s Orientation for Council Members.
Councillor Gee attended the orientation for council members, and Columbia Community Initiatives’ first meeting. The chair for the committee is Tom Jamin.
Councillor Pearson attended the Housing Committee’s stakeholder meeting, the Town Hall meeting for Housing, Tourism meeting, and met with the CAO to discuss roles. He also participated in a conference call with VIA Rail to get a train shelter constructed in Valemount.
Mayor Torgerson attended the Elected Officials seminar. Following the seminar, he feels there is a need to procure an AM-frequency channel for emergency notifications. He also attended the VIA Rail teleconference for a new shelter.
Council closed the public portion of the council meeting to discuss an in-camera item related to an identifiable individual being considered for a position within the municipality.