A residential household on Dogwood sent a letter to Council asking for Dogwood Street to be paved to help deal with the massive dust problem caused by people driving fast down the road. They say the new speed signs have not made a difference. /LAURA KEIL

By Andrea Arnold

Mayor Torgerson called the June 8, 2021 meeting to order. Councillors Blanchette, Gee, MacLean, and Pearson were also in attendance. He began the meeting with a standing moment of silence to honour the 215 children from the Kamloops residential school.

Shareholder meeting

Council accepted the recommendation to schedule a shareholder meeting with the Valemount Community Forest and Industrial Park Co. Ltd. for June 22, 2021 at 7:00pm, prior to the regular council meeting. This semi-annual meeting open to the public is a requirement outlined in the Shareholders Agreement.

Dusty Dogwood

During a discussion regarding reading items, the topic of dust on Dogwood was brought forward. Prior to receiving a letter of concern from the public, the village had been making plans for dust control through the new highway contractor. CAO Wayne Robinson reported that there is a plan in place to apply a Landlock product on Dogwood in the coming weeks. The product requires a stretch of dry weather, so the exact dates of application are unknown. Also, they are working with the RCMP to slow traffic down in the area through speed traps.

Building inspection report

Council received the building inspection report for May 2021. The estimated construction values for May was $292,250 and the permit fees collected totalled $2422.00.

Contractor yard approval

Council granted initial approval for temporary use permit 21-01 for Block F of the South East 1/4 of District Lot 7354 Cariboo District, 1755 Hwy 5 South.The proposed use is a temporary Trans Mountain Expansion Project Contractor’s yard.

Mixed-use building development go-ahead

After councillors Blanchette and Gee excused themselves due to their connection with the applicant, M’akola Development Services (MDS), acting on behalf Robson Valley Community Services (RVCS). Council approved development permit 21-01 at the property legally described as Lot A District Lot 7352 Plan Pg32327 (1451 5th Ave) for the development of a mixed-use building with a variance to permit the following

  1. Increase building height to 12.8 meters, and
  2. Decrease minimum parking requirement to 19 spaces.

The applicant informed the Village it had acquired a property across the street that would provide 7-10 added parking spaces to meet the parking requirements. “In order to alleviate parking concerns related to 1451, RVCS intends to encourage staff to use those additional offsite parking stalls while working at 1451 5th Ave,” a letter from the applicant stated.

Cemetery By-law

Council passed the motion to give the Village of Valemount Cemetery Bylaw No. 685, 2012, Amendment Bylaw No. 846,2021, be given 1st and 2nd reading. The amended bylaw eliminates the need for written requests when a Saturday burial is requested.

Ambulance service concerns

Councillor Pearson requested an additional motion be added to the agenda regarding the recent concerns around ambulance availability in the area. Council agreed to have administration submit a letter to BC Emergency Health Services northern units and the Province requesting that a delegation explain their plans for ambulance services in rural BC. Also included in the request was a conversation with the local unit chief providing him with information about council’s actions.

Councillors presented their reports and with no further agenda items to discuss or the need to move into an in-camera session, Mayor Torgerson adjourned the meeting.