By Andrea Arnold

Mayor Gene Runtz called the McBride Council meeting to order on March 28th. Councillor Peter Caputo was absent from the evening’s proceedings.

2023 Budget Schedule

Council received the revised 2023 Budget meeting Schedule for consideration and discussion. Council then moved to approve the schedule as presented.

Lemonade & Trunk Sale

Council approved the McBride Chamber of Council application for the temporary street closure on Main Street between 1st Ave and 2nd Ave 3:00-8:00pm on Friday May 12 contingent on the Chamber obtaining insurance. The Chamber plans to host the 2nd Downtown Lemonade and Trunk Sale. Vendors will rent spots from the Chamber to sell items, either garage sale-style, or small business type items.

Growing Communities grant

Council gave first, second and third reading to the McBride Growing Communities Reserve Fund Bylaw. This new fund is being created in response to a letter from the Province stating that McBride is the recipient of a $780,000 grant under the Growing Communities Fund. One of the stipulations of the grant is that it be placed in a segregated reserve fund, and report annually to the province how the money is being spent. Council will determine the use of the money at a later date, but will need to consider the Province’s request that the money should be used for one-off costs needed to build required infrastructure and amenities rather than funding ongoing or operational activities.

Retail cannabis zoning 

Council gave first and second reading to zoning bylaw amendment no. 815, 2023 and directed staff to schedule a Public Hearing for April 25, 2023. The bylaw adds Cannabis Use Regulations and outlines the required regulations a retail cannabis establishment would have to adhere to. The amendment adds Cannabis Use Regulations as a subsection under general permitted uses. The subsection states: Cannabis Retail establishments are permitted in Core Commercial (C-1) and Highway Commercial (C-2) zone. However, it also states that no primary public entry to a cannabis retail store shall be located within 150 metres of a parcel boundary of a public elementary or secondary school.

Village of McBride Strategic Plan

Council adopted the Village of McBride Strategic Plan 2023- 2026 as presented. On March 6th, Council and staff attended a one-day workshop to identify the overall strategic focus areas and to determine key initiatives, set priorities, allocate limited resources, measure success, guide the work of staff and communicate to the citizens of McBride. The five main strategic plan items are: Good governance & accountability, asset management, advocacy, economic development, and organizational capacity.” 

Funds reimbursed for Mayor

Council approved payment of the Travel Expense submitted by Mayor Runtz for his attendance at the Old Growth Forum in Richmond, BC February 5-8, 2023.


Council adjourned the public portion of the meeting to move into an In-Camera session for consideration of matters of the Community Charter related to Section 90 (1): (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; (c) Labour Relations or other employee relations; (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stage and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public; (o) the consideration of whether the authority under section 91 [other persons attending closed meetings] as well as Section 90 (2) (b)  the consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the municipality and a provincial government or the federal government or both, or between a provincial government or the federal government or both and a third party.