By Andrea Arnold
The McBride Elks & Royal Purple are hosting the 2021 Christmas Craft Fair on Dec. 4 & 5, 10am-1pm, at the Elks Hall across from Steve Kolida Park. According to member Kathy Molendyk, they are hoping to have 40 vendors, 20 each day. There are still tables available for one day ($25) or both days ($40), and tables can be booked through Kathy @ 250-569-7210.
Attendees will be asked to present their vaccine passport, sign in and the number of people in the building will be monitored. Tables will be set up so there is a clear direction through the vendors, and the “to go” concession at the end.
“The Royal Purple and Elks really wanted local crafters to be able to offer their wares and for locals to be able to shop local,” said club treasurer Heather Zahn. “We just needed to find a way to do it as safely as possible for the community and comply with provincial health orders.”
There will be a limit on how many people can be in the building at once, so attendees are reminded to dress for the possibility of having to wait outside.
A $1 admission fee will be charged. All proceeds will go to the Elks and Royal Purple for building upkeep.