By Laura Keil

Residents of Valemount are limited to watering lawns every other day, as of June 28th, after the Village enacted Stage 2 water restrictions.

The Village says an extremely high volume of water is processing through the Water Treatment Plant.” 

“It is currently operating 18 hours a day, which is significantly longer than normal for this time of year.”

Stage 2 Water Restrictions include the following:

1) A person must not use a sprinkler or irrigation system to:

a. water a lawn, trees, shrubs, flowers, or vegetables on any property” unless:
i. at an even numbered address, on an even numbered day of the month, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m
ii. at an odd numbered address, on an odd numbered day of the month, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

2) Notwithstanding section 1 of “Stage 2”, a person may:
a. Use micro-irrigation or drip-irrigation systems to water at any time on any day; and
b. Use a garden hose with a hand-held automatic shut-off device to water at any time on any day.

3) A person must not use water to wash a vehicle unless:
a. Using a bucket or a hose equipped with a hand-held automatic shut-off nozzle; or
b. Within a commercial carwash facility.

Sprinklers can be used for children playing in the backyard and cooling off but not for simply watering of lawns outside the prescribed periods of time.

See Village of Valemount Water Supply and Regulations Amendment Bylaw No. 822, 2020 here:  Bylaw No 822 Water Restrictions