By Laura Keil
A cool rainy spring has helped the grass grow – and in the case of Valemount’s vacant 6-acre property in the centre of town, a whole crop of noxious weeds are about to launch their seed.

Neighbouring residents have complained to the Goat and the Village of Valemount about the weedy commercial property, which is owned by a numbered company in Alberta.
Village CAO Wayne Robinson says the Village is aware of the issue, but can only speak in general terms about bylaw enforcement. The issue of tall grass/ noxious weeds falls under the Good Neighbour Bylaw. Robinson said their approach, generally, is to contact the property owner to let them know there is a contravention of the bylaw and to request action within two weeks.
“That’s always our first approach is to try to work with property owners to gain compliance.”
If there’s still no compliance, the bylaw states there could be fines. The Village may also take action on behalf of the property owner at the owner’s expense.
Robinson noted that proactively enforcing the Good Neighbour Bylaw is part of Council’s strategic priorities.” Usually the bylaw is only enforced when there is a complaint.