By Andru McCracken

A local contractor is upset that he, and other local contractors have apparently been shut out of work that comes with the construction of the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion project.
Chad Smith of Paycore Enterprises said he is a contractor with 17 years experience in oil field and pipeline services.
“Along with my time, I have invested my resources to meet all of Trans Mountain’s rigorous standards and requirements including safety, environmental, insurance, and equipment. Trans Mountain gave me positive feedback as
I participated in a recent large tendering process in which I offered my services, including brand new equipment at very competitive rates,” he said.
“Not a single local company was selected for the work. The majority of the dollars spent on that work will leave our community. All we ask for is a chance to support this project through hard work to provide the goods and services that Trans Mountain’s needs.”
In all 12 local business men signed the letter from Paycore Enterprises.
After receiving the letter council set up a meeting between Mayor Owen Torgerson and Trans Mountain to discuss the issue on Friday, June 12
Torgerson said that the meeting was extremely preliminary but informative.
“I got a better idea on the prioritization of hiring and how we can still play a role to get some benefit out of the pipeline,” said Torgerson.
He said he’ll have a follow up meeting with a procurement specialist working for the company on Monday, June 22.
“The general contractors have an obligation to work through a priority list and local hiring is part of that list,” he said.
He said the pipeline construction is still in early stages.
Torgerson said that all the access roads that touch Highway 5 and 16 have yet to be built, and site clearing is also still needed.
“There is a plethora of work,” he said.