The members of the McBride Council met for their regular meeting on Tuesday December 10. The meeting was called to order at 7:09pm by acting Mayor Frederick. Also present for the meeting were Councillors Diane Smith,

Lucille Green, and Rosemary Hruby. CAO Sheila McCutcheon was also present.

Jarret Krantz, Deputy Assessor, Northern Region, BC Assessment presented an overview of the 2020 Assessment Roll to Council. The amount reported to homeowners is based on the assessed value on July 1 of the previous year (In this case 2019). The below information was taken from the BC Assessment Key Dates Website.

January 31 ” Property Assessment Review Panel (PARP) Deadline

All persons wishing to request an independent review before a PARP must file their written notice of complaint with the assessor by this date.

February 1 – March 15 ” Property Assessment Review Panels (PARPs)

PARPs sit at various times throughout this period to review assessments and to hear and decide upon requests for reviews brought before them.

April 30 ” Property Assessment Appeal Board (PAAB) Deadline

A person must file an appeal to PAAB by this date. PAAB must promptly notify the assessor, affected municipalities and other parties about all appeals.

During the Questions from the Public portion, two individuals addressed Council. First, Rick Thompson came forward with four items:
1. Would Council reconsider the support they can provide the McBride and District Housing in preparing grant applications in light of the successful NDIT grant writer application by the Village and their purpose to provide support to local nonprofits? – It was stated by Administration that policy is to support Community groups with their grant writing but not do the actual grant writing.
2. Where are the additional four electric charging stations slated for McBride going to be located? – Firstly, the four charging stations are in fact two stations with four plug ins. They will be installed at Steve Kolida park as previously established.
3. He asked Council’s support for a grant-in-aid to purchase accounting software for the McBride and District Housing Society – This item was addressed later on in the agenda.
4. Is Council prepared to improve accountability and transparency by regularly submitting written reports to the agenda and resuming the posting of video of Council meetings to their website? – To be discussed.

Next up was Doug Monroe to address the zoning amendment bylaw listed later in the agenda. He asked:
1. Have the referrals been sent out to the involved parties? – Yes they have
2. When can the applicant expect a response? – Hoping for responses to be back by February 10, 2020.
3. If there is a debate over the results, can it be a part of the Public Hearing portion of the process? – This will be reviewed after the responses have been received.

Council passed the motion accepting the invitation to have the Mayor attend the Awards Ceremony at McBride Secondary School.

The motion was passed by Council to receive the letter from Ken Starchuck regarding the state of the transfer station road. In his letter he expresses concern that although he can tell work is done on the road, the conditions regress quickly due to the fact that it is a dirt road. He suggests that during the time of year when sealcoating and paving are happening, that Council consider that stretch as well.

Note: Administration has included the transfer station road restoration in the 2020 capital Budget for consideration in the coming weeks.

Council passed a motion to approve the 2020 Budget Schedule as presented. The first meeting “Introduction of 2020 Operating and Capital budgets”, a Committee of the Whole Council is scheduled for Wednesday February 19, 2020 at 6:30pm. On Thursday April 16, 2020 at the Elks Hall at 7:00pm a Public Consultation Meeting will be held to present the budget to the community.

Council approved the motion to receive a report from Doug Monroe regarding Zoning Amendment Bylaw No 786 1479 & 1413 2nd Ave in McBride. Monroe’s letter will be referred to the Village’s Engineer, Building Inspection and Fire Chief for review and comments. The letter outlines the possible solutions to previously mentioned concerns regarding the proposed building project’s proximity to the railway. The developer has done research and planning to abide by the requirements presented.

The motion was approved by Council, after Councillor Green stepped out as a director on the Housing Society, to proceed with $250 Grant-in-Aid in response to a request to support the McBride and District Housing Society with the purchase of accounting software.

Council passed the motion to receive the Municipal & Regional District Tax report for information and future consideration. Administration posted a request for proposal for the Tourism Master Plan and MRDT Business Plan with a deadline of February 17, 2020. Administration anticipates that a report to Council with the final results and recommendations will be on the agenda for the regular council meeting on February 25, 2020.

Council passed the motion approving the scheduling of a Committee of the Whole Meeting on Tuesday February 4th, 2020 at 6:30 pm to present and discuss 2020 and future Utility Fees in preparation of the water, sewer and garbage fee bylaw and the 2019 preliminary Financial Statements.

The public portion of the meeting adjourned at 7:55pm.

Council moved into the In-Camera portion in accordance with Section 90(l) (c ) labour relations and other employee relations, Council moved into a closed In-Camera meeting.