By Andru McCracken
A new cemetery in Tete Jaune could open this fall.
Meredith Burmaster, Manager of Community Services for the Regional District of Fraser Fort George said a few regulatory requirements must still be completed, including a plot survey to determine the number of plots.
“It would be great to have the cemetery open this fall, but this will be dependent on how we make out with the survey and the final licensing process,” she said.
Burmaster said the cemetery was developed primarily for Tete Jaune Residents but non-residents can be interred there as well.
Burmaster said that information on costs and who to get in touch with will be forthcoming when the cemetery finally comes on line.

“The project has been a long time coming and it has been a pleasure to work with the community members that have been involved,” she said.
The cemetery is located off Carr Road and boasts a huge Douglas Fir tree in the centre.