By Andrea Arnold

McBride Village Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, December 11. Mayor Gene Runtz, CAO Sheila McCutcheon, Councillors Rosemary Hruby, Allan Frederick, Lucille Green and Diane Smith were in attendance.
The first agenda item to create some discussion was a housekeeping matter. During both the November 5, 2018 inaugural meeting and the November 13, 2018 regular council meeting, Mayor Runtz removed himself from the discussion and appointment process, but hadn’t stated in general terms why. Mayor Runtz was asked to state why he had recused himself so that the minutes from both meetings could be amended and approved by council. Mayor Runtz responded that he had pecuniary interest (having to do with money), in matters concerning the McBride Community Forest Corporation because of his previous employment and the possibility of renewed employment.
A motion to authorize Mayor Runtz and CAO McCutcheon to execute the Regional Land use Planning Service-Participation Agreement was passed.
Councillor Green recused herself from participating in a motion involving the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, based on her employment with the Ministry. The motion that administration,” on behalf of Council writes a letter thanking them for the Bridge Bicycle Pathway and its benefits was passed.
Council approved the motion that” Shelly Ryan and Dawn Hickerty be reappointed to the McBride Community Foundation Endowment Fund. Administration is recommending all files and records be stored at the Village office, and is offering to provide clerical support. Administration is also recommending a committee meeting be held in January 2019.
A motion that the Village of McBride support the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George’s application for grant funding for the Robson Valley Recreation Centre Chiller Project was passed unanimously.
Council passed two motions directing Administration to prepare two letters. One in support of CMH’s Heli-Skiing and Summer Adventures, and the other supporting” the Valley Museum and Archives Society application for funding for an upcoming project “From Reporters to Gossip Columnists: Local History as Told Through the Valley Newspapers.”
The Village of McBride Council passed a motion to host a Village of McBride Open House on Tuesday February 5, 2019. More details of the event will be available in the new year. Council hopes to host school groups earlier in the afternoon, and then be open to the public for a few hours in the evening.
A motion that Mayor Runtz be appointed as delegate to the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) was passed. Runtz requested that Councillor Frederick be approve as alternate based on the effective teamwork that has been displayed between the two of themon the Regional District. Council approved this request as well.
The motion for Mayor Runtz to be appointed as delegate to the Prince George Treaty Advisory Committee for a four-year term was passed. Mayor Runtz brought Councillor Green forward to be appointed as alternate. Runtz said that Green has shown a willingness to care about others and the ability to practice patience. Both of these qualities” are important when working with groups from outside the community. This appointment was approved by the council.
Mayor Runtz and Councillor Green are planning to attend the BC Natural Resources Forum in Prince George on January 22-24, 2019. An alternate will be selected if circumstances present that prevent one of these individuals from attending.
A motion to approve the purchase of a 2007 Ford F-250 Super Duty XLT for the amount of $11,900 was approved. This truck is to replace the 2003 Ford F250 flat deck truck that was stolen from the Public Work’s compound this summer and written off. The flat deck component can be installed at a later date.
Council moved that in accordance with Section 90(I) (c) Labour relations or other employee relations and (i) the receipt of advice e that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, Council move into a closed in-camera session and adjourned the regular meeting at 8:14pm.