by Andru McCracken

Adam Davey is leaving Valemount to take on the position of Chief Administrative Officer in Vanderhoof. /ANDRU MCCRACKEN

The Village of Valemount’s Chief Administrative Officer Adam Davey is leaving his role for a posting in Vanderhoof this Thursday. The Village of Valemount announced the news last week. According to a press release, Gord Simmons will fill the role as interim CAO, a position he has held in Valemount before.

“On behalf of Council and myself, I express genuine regret over the resignation of the CAO, Adam Davey,” said Mayor Jeannette Townsend in a written statement.”  “Davey served the Village of Valemount with integrity and diligent commitment.”

“Results of Davey’s efforts are most satisfying,” said Townsend. “He generated a keen respect from Council, Village staff, various agencies and all levels of government.”  He shall be missed; however we understand and agree with his premise that family comes first. Council and I wish Adam happiness and success in the years ahead.”

Davey said that the move made sense for his family. Davey said his wife, a nurse who was living in Prince George, was able to find work at Vanderhoof’s hospital.

Davey said he was most proud of his work behind the scenes, allowing senior staff to get their jobs done better.

He said his military training came in handy.

“An officer is a generalist,” said Davey.

He said many CAOs bring experience as a specialist to the position, whether from a planning, finance or public works perspective.

“I would like to thank Council and staff for the opportunity to serve the Village of Valemount over the past year.”  Through the hard work of Council and staff, the Village is well-positioned for ongoing success.”