VCTV’s digital transition is here, and is now up and running.
The Valemount Entertainment Society (VES) is launching a new digital signal with three new channels according to Gord Peters, station manager.
The transition will see the Discovery Channel move to channel 13.1, while two new channels, Nat Geo Wild (13.2) and Sportsnet 360 (13.3), launch as well.
Viewers can expect crystal clear pictures, Peters says, even going as far as comparing the picture to that of satellite TV, whereas if reception isn’t good with ana-log TV then the picture will appear snowy.
A second benefit, according to Peters, is VES will be able to offer more channels.
“Our remaining channels: four, six, seven, eight, nine and 11 will remain analog for now,” says Peters.
The main piece of equipment needed for the transition, a digital multiplexer, was purchased by VES roughly five years ago, according to Peters. Since then VES has slowly put together the rest of the equipment, and planned for the conversion, he says.
If all goes well, Peters says VES will launch at least another three digital channels next year, as VES looks for additional funding to complete the conversion of all channels in the future.
“This is new technology for us and we’re in a learning curve with it, so there could be delays, but we hope not,” says Peters. “We’ve worked hard to get to where we are today.”
Peters gives credit to former station manager and VES coordinator, Andru McCracken, with pushing for a digital transition.
“This was his vision,” says Peters. “It has taken a long time to get to this point where we can launch. We’re grateful for Andru’s work.”