Submitted by BC Gov Communications
Two Dunster organizations have received $29,675 in funding from the BC Arts Council.
Wishbone Productions, a theatre society that produces and promotes Canadian theatre and musical events, has been awarded $23,300 for developing, creating and producing a theatrical/musical piece with Robson Valley youth.
The Robson Valley Music Society has been awarded a $6,375 grant for programming costs to hire performing artists for the 2015 Robson Valley Music Festival. The Society works to bring the Robson Valley Music Festival to Dunster each year. This year’s Robson Valley Music Festival is August 14 to 16, 2015.
“The grants from the BC Arts Council demonstrate the strong reputation that Dunster has earned with events like the Robson Valley Music Festival. This popular festival draws hundreds of fans and is a highlight of the summer,” Prince George-Valemount MLA Shirley Bond said. “As Dunster prepares to celebrate its centennial it is very exciting that Wishbone Productions will create an original musical theatre piece involving young people in the Robson Valley. What a great way to share the importance of arts and cultural opportunities in communities large and small, right across the province.”
The funding comes from a record-high $24 million that the BC Arts Council has received from the Government of British Columbia to support artists, arts activities and culture in 2014-15.
As BC’s lead agency for arts funding and development, the BC Arts Council enlists the expertise of British Columbia’s artists to evaluate grant applications through a peer review process independent of government.
For a list of recipients, or for more information on BC Arts Council grants, visit the BC Arts Council’s website at: bcartscouncil.ca.