The Village of Valemount is implementing a watering restriction, effective Sept. 2nd 2012. The recent Swift Creek emergency in June challenged the creek banks and also damaged a few of the Village water pumps, requiring that they be rebuilt. During this process, the village is relying on spare pumps. This morning there was a pump failure resulting in a compromised water supply.
The water supply continues to be treated and safe for drinking.
Please limit or avoid use of the following:
“¢ Showers
“¢ Toilet flushes
“¢ Laundry
“¢ Dishwashers
“¢ Watering lawns
The village thanks residents for their cooperation and assistance as they work to bring the Village of Valemount water system back to full capacity.
For updates, please check the following sources:
“¢ The Village of Valemount website (www.valemount.ca)
“¢ Or call the Village office during regular business hours (250 566 4435)