Mike McGuire and Virginia O’Dine, stand-up comics from Prince George, played to two packed back-to-back crowds at the Three Ranges brewery Friday night. They were on a weekend tour and on to Cranbrook the following night. They tour together regularly, but McGuire said weekend-long tours are typical, since they both have day jobs. O’Dine has been doing stand-up for 11 years but got her start in improv and acting. She said that comedy is much tougher than improv. “This takes a lot more writing. It’s the worst nightmare of theatre, improv and public speaking all rolled into one.” McGuire said that after being asked to MC a Kinsmen Club event 13 years ago, he caught the bug, and he’s been doing it ever since. O’Dine in particular had a few surprises up her sleeve and had the crowd roaring to her raunchy redneck humour. The evening’s subject matter ranged from O’Dine’s double Bronze Olympian daughter to McGuire’s herniated belly button, with all the requisite stops in race, feminism and dating apps in between. /RACHEL FRASER