McBride resident Nadia Kovarik Shafar, signs a copy of her new book “Life Happens: Cheerful Story of Gloom” for Julie Holland at a book signing on Wednesday July 13, 2022. This is her second book, and it picks up where her first book left off. The first, “Bear in the Window” tells of her personal escape from Czechoslovakia (along with her husband), and their first 12 years in Canada. Her new book tells of her journey to the Robson Valley (Crescent Spur initially), and documents her adventures up until the last year or so. “This book is full of miracles, little chances and mercies,” said Kovarik Shafar. She explained the inspiration for the bee illustration on the book’s cover: “The bumblebee has a wing area 0.7 square centimetres and weighs 1.2g. According to the law of aerodynamics, it is absolutely impossible to fly in these conditions. But the bumblebee doesn’t know it and just flies.You can do anything if you put your mind to it.” The book can be purchased directly from her 250-569-8860, or through Amazon. /ANDREA ARNOLD