As of June 17, 2022 the Village of McBride, in consultation with the Drinking Water Officer of the Northern Health Authority, has issued a boil water advisory. 

The Village has also issued a water conservation notice to preserve the existing supply of usable water. Due to the cooler weather and high level of snow-pack, the need for the notice has occurred later this spring than in past years.” 

“The snow-pack is at 261 per cent,” said McBride CAO Chris Tupy. “Last year at this time it was at 182 per cent.”

The notice states that “warmer temperatures and rain have kicked off spring freshet conditions, and have resulted in rising turbidity in Dominion Creek.”

Village staff are distributing notices throughout the community today to notify businesses and residents. 

“We understand that the notices are difficult for the community but we are monitoring the situation closely and will remove the order as soon as possible,” said McBride CAO Chris Tupy.