council stock photo
Village of Valemount office. / RMG FILE PHOTO

By Andrea Arnold

Mayor Torgerson began the Valemount Council meeting on February 22, 2022 with an official welcome to Interim CAO Isabell Hadford. He then called a Public Hearing to order.

Public Hearing
Street Vendor Permit 01-22
The permit requests permission for mobile food vending unit, Sunset Shack Ltd, to operate at 1422 Bruce Place.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 856,2022.
Mayor Torgerson removed himself from this discussion due to his connection with the proponent.
The request proposes two principal buildings at 1290 Main Street.

With no questions or comments voiced for either requests, the Public Hearing portion was adjourned and the meeting moved into the regular council meeting.

Interim CAO appointed
The minutes from the special meeting – in camera portion held on February 14, 2022 was brought forward. Council approved the appointment of Isabell Hadford as Interim CAO for the Village of Valemount beginning February 22, 2022.

Equipment repairs
Council approved a $31,528.90 payment to Kendrick Equipment Ltd for required repairs to the MT6 Trackless machine, to be included in the 2022 budget. The machine is used by Public Works for jobs such as snow removal and grass cutting.

Information sharing
Council approved the Information Sharing Agreement between the Village of Valemount and the Credit Management Corporation. The agreement outlines how the Credit Management Corporation will handle personal information collected by the Village following traffic bylaw violations.

VCF-VIP Board appointment guidelines
Council approved the Valemount Community Forest and Valemount Industrial Park Board appointment report for information. The report outlines the requirements and steps taken in the appointment process. Appointment of two board members will occur every two years, allowing overlap to occur. The board will consist of six voting directors: one member of Council elected by Council and five members of the community who offer business, financial or other appropriate skills, and one non-voting director, the Village CAO.

The policy says to protect from conflict of interest a person should not be considered for appointment if they or their business/employer will engage in business (aside from purchasing product) with the Company during their term, or be in a real or perceived conflict of interest.

Online public engagement for grants
Council received the Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Program Public Input Process report for 2022. This year will be holding the public engagement via the Village of Valemount’s online engagement platform, Civil Space. Councillor Gee reported that through online and paper options, the feedback last year increased over previous years.

Sled Fest
As a voting member of Valemount & Area Recreational Development Association (VARDA), Mayor Torgerson recused himself prior to the discussion and vote.
Council approved VARDA’s- Sled Fest 2022 request to host the winter event, “Sled Fest” including the Brett Turcotte Freestyle Show. The show is proposed to take place on Saturday, April 9, 2022 on 5th Ave. No less than 14 days prior to the event, the proponent must submit required liability insurance documents to the Village of Valemount, and hand deliver event and road closure notices to 5th Ave businesses and adjacent properties.

VARDA’s request for the following road closures were also approved:

  • 5th Avenue (and the alley to the North) between Birch Street and Dogwood Street:
  • Birch, Cedar and Dogwood Street between 4th and 5th Avenue.

The approval is subject to the closures being advertised in the local paper the week before the event, and posted on the Tourism Valemount web page and social media, and a meeting with the Public Works Superintendent prior to the event to confirm details.

Bylaws & Permits
Council approved Street Vendor Permit 01-22 – Sunset Shack, 1422 Bruce Place for up to three years.
Council gave final approval for Development Variance Permit 22-01 for 1904 Cranberry Place. The application requested an increased maximum height of an accessory building to 6.43m.

Once again, Mayor Torgerson removed himself from chambers for the following vote. Council approved the Village of Valemount Zoning Bylaw No. 847,2021 Amendment Bylaw No. 856,2022 be given third and fourth readings. The applicant, Valemount Affordable Rentals Society is requesting two principal buildings on the 1290 Main Street property. The proposed second building is to contain 6-7 affordable housing units.

In Camera
The public portion of the meeting was recessed as Council proceeded to an In-Camera meeting for the consideration of two items per Section 90 (1) of the Community Charter to discuss matters ; (c) labour relations and other employee relations and (i) related to the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communication necessary for the purpose.