Thank you to Leon Lorenz and Glen Allison, for your responses to my letters. Much appreciated. I also was raised in a Christian culture, albeit that what I was taught didn’t make any sense to me. So, I studied religions of the world, and learned that just as were all the other names of sons of gods used to start offshoots of older religions, the word Jesus was used to start yet another new religion. Those Christian scribes made a huge mistake however, when they wrote that Jesus was born perfect to a family of Jews that practiced only Judaism. That meant that for their personal salvation, the Christian religion was not wanted, nor needed by the Jews. Jesus was also said to have been a Jewish Rabbi. The broad HINT there (by the Christian scribes) was that because Jesus spotted the lies in Judaism, he decided to no longer be a Jewish rabbi, and so he became a traitor to Judaism, by starting the new religion of Christianity, where Jesus was certain he would then be preaching the one and only God-given truth. You will see the lies, but only when you want to see them. Been there “¦ did that!

June Vandermark
McBride, BC