By Goat Staff

There were several confrontations between construction workers and the Indigenous anti-pipeline activist group called the Tiny House Warriors in Blue River last week near the site of a proposed worker accommodation camp. Workers have been on site since sometime in August clearing the ground for the camp, which is in close proximity to a camp established and held by the Tiny House Warriors for about three years. The warriors were set up on a road adjacent to the Blue River Campground, however a parallel road meant that local traffic wasn’t blocked.

As the camp is being constructed the warriors have taken positions directly in front of the entrance to the camp project, blocking logging trucks as they leave the area.

Video posted to twitter by THW leader Kanahus Manuel and her sister Mayuk Manuel, show a number of confrontations between the workers clearing land and preparing the site for the camp.

In an email, Trans Mountain said Trans Mountain respects the right to peaceful, lawful expressions of opinions. “There is a BC Supreme Court injunction in place that prevents the blocking or obstructing of access to Trans Mountain’s worksites and work areas throughout British Columbia. However, that the events of last week were not activities of peaceful protestors but were premeditated attempts to stop work and damage equipment on this important project.”

Trans Mountain said that on September 15, 2021, individuals broke through the fencing and threw rocks and debris at workers and damaged equipment. RCMP were called and attended the site.

The site, which will be under construction and operating from September 2021 to December 2022, is operated by Tsetsk’wem Management Services – a Joint Venture between Simpcw Resource Group and ATCO, a partnership formed specifically for the Expansion Project.

The Warriors say their aim is to block the Trans Mountain pipeline by occupying the pipeline route with 10 Tiny Houses. They say they are occupying unceded SecwÔ©pemc land, and no free, prior and informed consent has been given to build the pipeline.

Names and rocks
Video posted at 11:40am on September 15th showed the warriors inside the gated compound with a microphone and speaker in tow, calling the workers ‘Trudeau’s goons’ and accusing them of heinous acts while others off camera appeared to throw rocks at the workers.

Another video posted separately on Twitter showed pipeline workers and activists tussling.

According to the Tiny House Warriors five of their members have been arrested. The warriors are appealing to the public to raise money for bail.

Clearwater RCMP would not comment on any arrests made citing an ‘active investigation.’