council stock photo
Village of Valemount office showing the Council Chambers door on the lower level far left. The public must park in the parking lot shown in this photo. / RMG FILE PHOTO

By Laura Keil

Starting today, Sunday June 27th, The Village of Valemount is opening its air-conditioned Council Chambers from noon until 6pm daily until further notice for anyone seeking refuge from the heat wave.” The air-conditioned community hall in McBride will be open from 1 PM until 8 PM for anyone wishing to cool down. Bring your own entertainment (i.e. card games etc). There will be water on site and Wi-Fi available.

Temperatures this week are expected to rise above 35 degrees most days, reaching up to 40 degrees on Tuesday.

The Village of Valemount says due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, they ask people entering the building to sanitize their hands, wear a mask until they are seated, main social distance, and if more than 10 people are in the Chambers, wear their masks while seated. The Village asks people to park in the lower parking lot and access the Council Chambers through the designated Council Chamber doors. Bottled water will be available.