There was still snow on the ground the last time Valemount’s playgrounds were open for use.

By Laura Keil

Valemount’s civic and school playgrounds are slated to open June 15th, 2020 after being taped off for nearly 3 months. McBride opened Steve Kolida Park and playground on Wednesday and the ball diamond on Thursday.

The Village of Valemount said that now that the COVID-19 infection rate curve has been flattened, they are re-opening the following facilities June 15th:

“¢ All Village Playground Equipment
“¢ Centennial Park Public Washrooms
“¢ Centennial Park Tennis Court
“¢ Valemount Skate Park

In order to keep these facilities open, both Villages have asked users to adhere to posted guidelines:
“¢ Wash or sanitize hands before and after using.
“¢ Maintain physical distance from other users of 6 feet (2 meters).
“¢ Recognize that surfaces may not be sanitized regularly and may be contaminated with COVID-19.
“¢ Only a small number of children on the equipment at one time.