Mayor Torgerson called the June 13, 2023 Valemount council meeting to order.

Councillor Blanchette addressed a letter in the reading file concerning comments that she made at the meeting on May 9th. The letter addressed the comment that she made that the Valemount Senior Citizens Housing Society Board of Directors and David Scheach of BC Housing has gone through a lot. The authors of the letter, Eugene Jamin, Monique Jamin, Cathy Greenhough and Rashmi Narayan, wondered if the comments were proper as Councillor Blanchette is not a member of the society, and why she would be apologizing on behalf of the entire village.

Councillor Blanchette said that she was apologizing on behalf of the citizens that came to her at various times concerned about keeping a positive relationship with BC Housing.

Bylaw Enforcement 

Council received the May 2023 Bylaw Enforcement Summary Report. The report outlined one good neighbour violation, two open air burning violations, three solid waste collection contraventions, one zoning violation and two abandoned vehicle violations.

Canada Day

Council received a report requesting support for Canada Day celebrations in Valemount. The plan is to have the village partner with Tourism Valemount to host both day and evening activities for the community. Some of the listed activities include live music, cake, family dance and an outdoor movie. The current funds available fall about $3,000 short and the project team are proposing fundraising efforts through a letter to local groups requesting support. No further motion was made.

UBCM Meeting requests

Council moved to support the Mayor to work with staff in coordinating 2023 UBCM meetings on behalf of Council. Mayor Torgerson also said that if any councillors have suggestions they can submit them as well.

Terms of Reference for Traffic Committee

Council adopted the Terms of Reference for the establishment of a Traffic Committee. At the March 28th council meeting, Council directed administration to create the Terms of Reference and bring it back to a future meeting for approval. The presented Terms of Reference includes the number of members and credentials of each voting member as well as other representatives from municipal services. It says how often the group will meet and report back to Council, as well as explains the focus of the group.

Lift Station road closures

Council approved the following temporary road closures, for short periods of time, to occur between July and October 2023 to accommodate lift station improvements.

“¢Ash Street – At the intersections of 9th Avenue, 13th Avenue and the Community Garden access road

“¢ Cyprus Street – between 14th Ave and 17th Ave

“¢ Dogwood Street – between 9th Ave and 17th Ave

“¢ 9th Avenue at Dogwood Street intersection

“¢ 13th Avenue

“¢ 17th Avenue – at the intersections of Cyprus Street and Dogwood Street

The Village will be providing a general list of closures to the public prior to construction, with further details being provided closer to specific closure dates. They will also provide individual property owners information via hand delivered notices if construction will affect access to their property.

RVCS Lease extension

Council approved a one month extension of the current lease with RVCS for the Community Services building on 99 Gorse Street, taking them to the end of July.

Street vendor

Council gave the Rocky Mountain Ice Cream Truck initial approval to operate at 885 Cranberry Lake Road, near the Shell, for three years.

Council procedure amendment bylaw

Council gave Bylaw No. 834, 2020 Amendment Bylaw No. 878, 2023, proposing changes to the regulations regarding electronic meeting attendance first and second reading. The amendment will allow electronic attendance to all council and committee meetings, as long as conditions set out in the Community Charter are met.

Number of memorials

Council gave Cemetery Bylaw No. 685, 2021 Amendment Bylaw No. 879, 2023 first and second reading. This bylaw proposes an increase in the number of memorial markers permitted on a burial plot. This change would bring the bylaw in line with the number of interments permitted in a full burial plot. The number was increased from three to four in 2016. By allowing more markers, the need to remove, change and replace markers is no longer a factor, relieving family members of some expense and public works staff time and resources.

In camera

Council moved to an In-Camera meeting for consideration of three items per Section 90 (1) of the Community Charter. (a) personal information about and identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality, (c) labour relations or other employee relations and (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service at that at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.

Thank you to VCTV for providing recordings of Council meetings.