My wife and I have made an effort over the years to make McBride better.
We operated a 24 hour service station in the 90’s which led to a dramatic increase in traffic and better village security. (Prior to that there was nothing open between Prince George and Jasper or maybe even Hinton).
We took over a logged off lease and developed a golf course and two houses.
In 2002 we purchased 27 scrub acres in the Village. Our vision was to develop an area where tradesmen and families would call home. This area now has five house and three shops and is a great place to live.
It is also an economic plus for the Village because of the increase in taxes collected. The area has an RR1 rating which has limitation as to development.
As has been noted, the village which has a record of economic failure, has decided to place a non-viable development on a one acre property. The usable space is actually about .7 acre. In order to develop the property space massive fill and drainage will have to be addressed. Will the cost of development be borne by the Society or the Village? The McBride Housing Society has indicated a few separate building 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units. One would assume that parking for each unit would have to be allocated. How does that all fit in to .7 acre. Are these units going to be multi-story?
The Village drainage was insufficient, so we brought drainage back through our development. Adding 20 new units will have an impact on us. To drain run off to where it is supposed to go (down Airport Road ditch and then across to Bridge Road) is going to require some major work.
Note that the location to Village services i.e. hospital, pharmacy, groceries, etc. is an issue. For instance if I am a senior citizen living on a fixed income I probably do not own a vehicle. What do I do?
In my opinion this is not a practical location.
If the Society is going to Lease property from the Village there are other options with more space that could be utilized. Why not the old Forestry Building? We’re paying for it aren’t we?
In the early 2000’s the Village changed to a new style of leadership. We experienced it in our development. But it really showed up in the concept and direction of the community forest which ultimately led to the destruction of the community job base from a major employer. This continues to this date with the Village spending more than $300,000 of our tax money in a law suit which may go to trial at a further cost to you and me. All of this with no guarantee of success. Remember that lawyers to not give refunds.
We also note the effort to discourage the development (by a private entity) of the old high school while pushing ahead with a development in a non-appropriate rural residential area.
So we ask you McBride to stand against this development as it stands and force it into a more practical format. Stand alone housing is not an issue, but an apartment block is unacceptable.
We need to know cost, capital and especially liability of this project. Are the taxpayers going to be responsible for cost overruns? Village of McBride/McBride Housing Society please post your business plan.

Dave and Gail Shantz
McBride, BC