By Andrea Arnold

Deputy Mayor Lucille Green called the Council meeting to order at 7:00pm on Tuesday, November 24, 2020. Councillors Federick, Hruby and Smith were present along with Interim CAO Heidi Frank, Community Economic Development Coordinator Karen Dube and Administrative Assistant Sharyn Silverlo.

Arena protocols
In a previous meeting, Council agreed to ask the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George for a breakdown of COVID-19 regulations in place for the arenas in the area. It was moved to make the letter Council received in response available to the public. However, after some discussion, and in light of the newer provincial regulations implemented since the letters were written, it was decided that the letter remain with Council. Community members should refer to the Regional District of Fraser Fort George’s website for up to date information regarding arena usage.

Approving Officer
Council amended the following motion to read that they reaffirm the appointment of Gordon Simmons as the village of McBride Approving Officer at a cost of $60.00 per hour and MIA coverage for errors and omissions. Simmons has been holding this position, although was not active. At this time his services are being reactivated.

Tourism Committee appointments
Council passed the motion to appoint seven community members to the McBride Tourism Committee: Dannielle Alan, Fran Chiupka, Sheilagh Foster, Linda Fry, Eileen MacDonald, Russ Purvis and Barry Waline. There are three spots remaining to be filled and once they are, those members will also have to be appointed. Council also agreed to adopt the Village of McBride Tourism Committee Terms of Reference as presented.

Kitchen & washroom updates
Council discussed the kitchen ventilation upgrades in the Train Station in McBride. There was a question about the 20-30 thousand dollar price tag. Karen Dube, who has been in contact with the contractor, stated the price difference is between a used system ($20,000) or a new one ($30,000). They also discussed a few options regarding layout and wiring, in order to help get the best outcome.

They moved on to briefly discuss the washroom upgrades for train station. The deadline to complete the project is December 30, 2020, and there is some concern by the contractor that he may not be able to make that deadline due to previous job commitments.

Broadband 101
Council agreed that Councillor Diane Smith will participate in the Broadband 101 webinar Thursday, November 26, 2020. Karen Dube will also attend.

Variance Permit
Council moved to receive Development Variance Permit Application 2020-02 CKHJ Enterprise Ltd. However, they did not move to grant the request. Council agreed to write a letter requiring the applicant proceed through the appropriate subdivision process before requesting the variance. The original request pertains to the burnt out restaurant (Sun Valley) foundation next to the Travellodge in McBride. The application states they hope to see a new restaurant on the site, but the buildings are too close together, requiring the variance.

Council passed a motion to renew their Muniware 2021 Software Support Agreement, as well as the Muniware 2021 Software License agreement.

Council carried the recommendation that they proceed to an In-Camera meeting for consideration of matters per Section 90 (1) of the Community Charter related to ” (c ) Labour Relations or other employee relatiopns; AND, (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege including communications necessary for that purpose.

The meeting was recessed at 8:11pm.