The McBride Council met for their regular meeting on June 25, 2019. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by Mayor Gene Runtz. Also in attendance were Councillors Frederick, Smith, Green and Hruby.

Presentation: high school entrepreneurs

Some of the students from McBride Centennial School presented short pieces outlining the items they created and sold through the Entrepreneur and Marketing Program. Anna Ford, Walker Taphorn, Prentice Traquair, Eric Antypov, Winter Clinton and Parker Williamson, under the supervision of teacher Marlene Walchuk participated in the program. The students gained business experience through the process of product creation, loan acquisition, sales, and financial balancing.”  When the project was complete, the students donated 10% of their proceeds totaling $108 to the Hospital Auxiliary. Also, the students expressed their gratitude to Council for their donation to aid the students in their start-up.

Presentation: SummerFest

Rick Thompson addressed Council on behalf of the SummerFest Organizing Committee. The group is requesting permission to use the leftover funds from SnowFest towards a summer event. Plans are in the works for a night market, kids games, hotdog/marshmallow roast, and movie in the park. The date has not been finalized yet.

Presentation: Airport expansion

Pat Maloney, representative from Dillon Consulting joined the meeting via speaker phone. She requested feedback from Council regarding potential airport development opportunities that would encourage business growth and expansion of emergency services at the airport. Councillor Frederick brought up the possibility of runway extension, as well as the idea of developing a residential park on the some of the land surrounding the airport.

Housing Needs

Council approved a motion approving an application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust Housing Needs Assessment program with a financial commitment of $5,000 and agrees to support the overall grant management. The grant provides funding up to $10,000 to a maximum of 50% of the eligible project budget.

Water Treatment Solution

At the June 11, 2019 regular meeting, Council approved an application, in principle, to the Infrastructure Planning Grant program for a Water Treatment Plan Chlorine Gas Retrofit Feasibility Study. Since then, Tom Chen, Environmental Health Officer with Northern Health has given recommendations that would eliminate the ongoing turbidity issue, reduce labour costs, material costs and create operating efficiencies. The grant funding is as follows: First $5000 is 100% funded and subsequent amount is 50% funded. Radloff Engineering has provided a quote for $15,000 to complete the feasibility studies. Council passed a motion approving an application to the Infrastructure Planning Grant program for Water Treatment Plant Chlorine Gas Retrofit and Water In-take Filtration System Feasibility Study, committing funds to a maximum of $5,000.

Climate Action

The municipality of McBride moved to approve endorsing the Government of Canada’s commitment to the Paris Agreement to limit global temperature increase to below two degrees Celsius and work to pursue efforts to limit the global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Also, the Village of McBride will communicate to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities what the community’s plan is to participate in the PCP.

These commitments are in response to a document from Janice Keyes, Senior Manager, Community Energy Engagement regarding Partners for Climate Protection Program (PCP). The PCPs role is to educate communities on how to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Communities representing over 65% of the population across Canada have committed to join the cause since it began in1994.

Community Market

Council passed the motion approving the use of the pavilion at Steve Kolida Park, for use by the McBride Community Market from 11am-2pm June 21-August 30. Councillor Frederick requested a friendly amendment to establish the request is for all Friday’s between those dates. Council agreed to the amendment.

SummerFest Funds

Council approved the motion allowing the funds remaining from WinterFest to be used towards the upcoming SummerFest event.

Annual Report

Council approved the motion to adopt the Village of McBride 2018 Annual Report as presented. Brad Kope suggested that in regards to the item referring to a new weather station at the airport, Council should explore the possibility of having the current Horseshoe Lake weather station relocated. Also, Rick Thompson requested clarification around the timeline involved with the items categorized as “deferred.””  Council stated that those items have been deferred for an undetermined amount of time, varied by level of feasibility. Each item will be reviewed at a future date.

2018 Financials

Council approved the Village of McBride Statement of Financial Information for 2018 without further discussion.


Council passed a motion that in accordance with Section 90(l) ( c) labour relations and other employee relations, (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are in their preliminary stages and that, in the view of Council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interest of the municipality if they were held in public, Council move into a closed In-Camera meeting.