Five girls and five boys from Valemount Secondary brought home gold at Badminton B Zones Prince George in early May. Coach and teacher Nick Hannah says they surprised the other schools since Valemount has never had a team before. They won the first game 10-1. In the final, they were tied with Prince George Secondary, and their last match was tied at 11 in the 3rd set when Valemount scored the winning point. Hannah plans to keep the team going next year, and they may compete at A zones next year which would give them a shot at provincials. Back Row: Aubrey Scheller, Kelvin Kim, Jacob Leclerc, Joe Bergen, and Dustin Byford. Front row: Sasha Michaud, Emma Kim, Karli Lawless, Anik Leclerc and Kendra Mueck. / COURTESY JEN SCHELLER