by Andrea Arnold

McBride Village Council met for their regular meeting on Tuesday February 12, 2019.” All members of council were in attendance.
Council approved a $250 grant in aid to assist the Sno-Fest organizing committee, and they discussed the date which was not confirmed by presstime.
Alpine Cabin
Council made unanimously rejected a motion to provide the Ozalenka Alpine Club a letter of support for the proposed Kristi Glacier cabin. The discussion that followed brought forward two main concerns: the first was a plan for preventing sledder/skier conflict, and the other was avalanche safety and precautions. Proponent Jeff Corbett was asked to return to council with the club’s plan to address these issues/concerns.
Council passed a motion to contribute $6.47 to the Union of BC Municipalities – Federation of Canadian Municipalities Small Communities travel fund. Council also approved a motion to cover expenses for Councillor Frederick to attend the Northern Health Board Meeting held on Feb 11, 2019.
30k Grants
Northern Development Initiative Trust approved two grant applications for the Village of McBride. Both grants are up to $30,000. The first is for the Phil and Jennie Gaglardi Park Trail System Upgrade-Phase One. The second is for the Bill Clark Memorial Park and Ball Diamond Restoration.
Reports to Council
Amendment to Fees and Charges Bylaw 768.2017
Council discussed the extension period for receiving the 5% discount to April 30, 2019. There was an incorrect amount in the original posting for the yearly fee associated with commercial garbage bin pick up service. The amount for 2019 should have read $813.60 instead of the $752.40 is stated. Due to this oversight and the time needed to amend it and re-issue utility bills, this motion was passed to give property owners adequate time to pay utility bills and receive the 5% discount. Council approved first, second and third reading, and will consider final reading & adopting at the Feb 26, 2019 council meeting.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw 783-241 Dominion St
Council gave first and second reading to amend the Village of McBride Zoning Bylaw No 703 by changing the zoning of Lot 7, Block 5, Plan PGP1373, District Lot 5316, Cariboo Land District from Public Development (PD) to Residential Zone (R2). This property was formerly the McBride Library and is now up for sale. Council also voted to schedule a public hearing for zoning amendment bylaw No. 783 for Tuesday March 12, 2019 at 6:30pm.
New Business
Council was asked to approve an application to the BC Air Access Program 2019 for the installation of a NAV CANADA certified AWOS weather system at the McBride Charlie Leake Airfield. This installation would be the first step needed for future improvements and development at the airfield.” It is also a needed to improve safety for those using the facility, and increase the usage allowing for instrument approach in non-ideal conditions. This motion was passed. Further, council approved the Village of McBride’s contribution for its share of eligible costs of $25,000, all ineligible costs and any cost overruns and agrees to support the overall grant management.
Council passed a motion authorizing CAO McCutcheon to complete the Community Energy Association (CEA) survey providing answers based on Administration’s recommendation as presented or amended. The survey outlined two grant scenarios that would eventually result in electric car charging stations be installed, as well as the division of project funding between CleanBC and local government.
The motion that Council approve the Village of McBride 2019-2021 Strategic Priorities and Initiatives as presented or amended was passed. Strategic priorities for 2019-2021 fell into four categories: Increase economic capacity and community development; fiscal and corporate health; asset management and risk management; and good governance.
Village of McBride Health and Safety Manual
Upon council approval, the following will be added to the Village’s Health and Safety Manual under Section 6.0 Safe Work Practices and Procedures to meet Worksafe Regulations:
6.2.13 Confined Space Entry
No worker is permitted to enter Village infrastructure confined spaces at any time and for any reason. As per Section 9.3 of the Worksafe Confined Space Guidelines, all Village confined spaces point of access must be secured against entry and identified by a sign or other effective means which indicates the nature of the hazard and the prohibition of entry. All Village of McBride Public Work employees and new-hires must be trained and instructed not to enter confined spaces. The motion was passed with a unanimous vote in favor.
The open meeting was recessed at 7:43pm. Council moved to an in camera session in accordance with Section 90(l) (c ) Labour relations or other employee relations, and (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and (k) negotiations and related discussions that are at the preliminary stages and that, in the view of council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.