I would like to give a shout out to BC Hydro for their excellent work on their Vegetation Program over the last number of years. As a former Regional District director I know the Regional District had worked closely with BC Hydro in supporting their work along the hydro powerlines from Dome Creek through to Valemount. This program included brushing, eliminating dead trees and opening up the area under the powerlines.”  I’m sure we have all noticed the difference as we drive along Highway 16 and many of the side roads in the Robson Valley.

In my view this vegetation program has paid off in spades when you look at the high winds the Robson Valley has been dealing with for nearly a month from late November into December and we have had little or no power disruptions.

Compare this to what has recently happened at the west coast where high winds have knocked out power on Vancouver Island and the mainland for thousands for up to a week or longer as a result of downed trees on powerlines.

The Valemount BC Hydro line crews will support this program as they will have noticed a difference in having to deal with fewer call outs at all hours in the day and night during these weeks of high winds in the Robson Valley.

I trust BC Hydro will continue with the Vegetation Program in the Robson Valley as it has it will definitely help to reduce the number of power outages into the future.

Ken Starchuck

McBride, B.C.