By Andrea Arnold

McBride’s new Council L to R Rosemary Hruby, Lucille Green, Diane Smith and Al Frederick. / ANDREA ARNOLD

McBride council held their first regularly scheduled meeting on November 13. Mayor Eugene Runtz, and councillors Rosemary Hruby, Allan Frederick, Diane Smith and Lucille Green were present.

Appointments revisited

Council moved to accept council appointments as per the inaugural meeting excluding those to”  the Regional District and the community forest. These two positions were reconsidered under Section 131 of the Community Charter.

All decisions regarding these positions from the inauguration were rescinded and discussion was had, followed by a vote resulting in the following appointments:

Regional District Fraser Fort George Delegate,”  Councillor Fredrick; Regional District Fraser Fort George Alternate, Mayor Runtz; McBride Community Forest Corporation Delegate, Councillor Green

Motion to accept these positions concluded with a vote of 3-1 with councillor Smith opposing the motion.

Light it up

Councillor Hruby moved that Steve Kolida Park be decorated in time for the Festival of Lights on November 30th, 2018. A motion directing administration to provide festive lights as funds and time are available was passed.

Supporting supportive housing

Council wrote a letter supporting the Robson Valley Community Service’s Expression of Interest to BC Housing for supportive housing in McBride and the Robson Valley. Council expects to receive a response in early 2019.

Council training

Council approved travel and accommodation expenses for Mayor Runtz, Councillor Frederick and Councillor Smith’s attendance to the Lidstone & Company Newly Elected Officials Legal Training Seminar in Vancouver BC, in November.

Council approved travel and accommodation expenses for all of Council’s attendance to the LGLA Training Seminar in Prince George BC, in January.

Economic Development

Council approved an application for Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Economic Development Capacity Building Program for $50,000. The funding supports the Community Economic Development Coordinator position for 2019.

Evacuation Planning

Council approved a grant application to UBCM for Evacuation Route Plan Funding Program for 2019.

Council also approved a Software Support Agreement for Muniware.

In Camera

Council went in camera in accordance with Section 90(1) (i) the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose, and (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the Council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public.