I am the thrilled recipient of a beautiful quilt that I won through a local raffle.”  I wouldn’t be in possession of such a beautiful quilt if not for hours of volunteer labour by many residents in my community.”  The Robson Valley Piecemakers worked collaboratively with the McBride & District Hospital Auxiliary to create the quilt for an Auxiliary fundraiser.”  The money raised will be used towards equipment for the Hospital.

In the Robson Valley, we are fortunate to have so many people who volunteer their time in service to the residents of their communities.”  Without the volunteers we wouldn’t have fire protection services, children programs, sports programs, trail systems, libraries, museums, community events, and many more services than I could possibly list.

I also volunteer for various organizations and functions.”  Sometimes it is only a couple of hours helping at an event.”  As a volunteer, I feel that I am rewarded as much as the recipients of the service.”  I’ve made new friends, learned new skills, gained new knowledge and I feel joy from contributing back to my community.

I would encourage new (and old) members of the Robson Valley to find an organization to volunteer with.”  When more new volunteers come forward, there is less burn-out among existing volunteers and there will be a continuation of much needed services.”  Whatever your passion, there is a volunteer position just waiting for you.”  Don’t wait for an invitation.”  Just show up at a meeting or ask someone how you can help with something.”  You will be welcomed and your contributions will be valued.

I will value and enjoy my new quilt as I think of the many volunteers that worked towards its creation.”  Thank you to the volunteers that enhance my life in so many ways in the Robson Valley.

Lucille Green

McBride, BC