by Andru McCracken, Editor

There is a new group and new energy behind the Valemountain Days celebration. It’s not hard to notice.

The annual celebration will take a small army of volunteers to make it happen, but it is going to be great. Early indications are good. Fourteen people showed up to the host society’s Annual General Meeting, and there were candidates ready to take on the hard work of office. Now we need to multiply that enthusiasm by a factor of ten!

There is no questioning the amount of work that will be poured into Valemount’s annual festival. Newly elected president Jennifer Scheller has set the bar very high, and is probably logging more than full time hours on the project.

Scheller’s board has a pragmatic approach to produce great results for festival attendees. Given the short run up to it, they are opting to stay the course from previous years, with only a few changes where they are necessary and not too many new events.

We know not to take this weekend for granted, because it has taken a few years off in recent history.

The board has a great approach to its finances, following a fine tradition of only spending where it is absolutely important, and ensuring full value for every dollar. It could be argued that it is a little less frugal with volunteer time.

If we really attract our 100 volunteers, our two hour shifts will seem like a party and only heighten the experience by getting everyone involved. If we really do get 10 percent of the population to volunteer it will highlight the upward trajectory of town.”  And just how fun the event is for those volunteers depends on how many volunteers can come out.

The trick for volunteers is simple: come with friends. Pulling shifts in the concession is a lot of fun if you are in a great group. Bring a pal that is hilarious to be with and you’ll make the kind of memories that can only be made as a short order cook at the annual summer festival.

Regardless, this year’s event will be a success. With any luck we’ll be able to host the greatest Valemountain Days festival of all time.