Renovations at the Valemount Public Library are in full swing.

The new additions will see an enclosed set of stairs at the back of the library, with the ultimate goal of installing a wheelchair accessible lift to access the basement.

“(The stairs) should be done by the end of October,” says Wendy Cinnamon, librarian at the Valemount Public Library.

“We just started last week”¦ the contractor dug a big hole at the back of the library,” she says.

The contract, according to Cinnamon, has been awarded to Ian Woolsey.

“He’s got the footings in, and now he’s got Styrofoam forms in the right spot to pour the concrete into place,” she says.

The next step is to get the concrete truck here, Cinnamon says.

The library has also applied for a grant, which would allow for a wheelchair accessible lift to be installed.

“We made sure we had the proper specifications for the lift when we started the stairs, so that we can accommodate for it,” says Cinnamon. “If we don’t get this grant, we’ll apply for another.”

The library should find out by the month’s end if they will be receiving the grant.

Once the stairs and (potential) lift have been completed, Cinnamon says the library will be doing more renos in the basement.

Basement renovations should be complete by the end of December, Cinnamon says.