It’s the 12th annual Robson Valley Music Festival in Dunster B.C. held this year Aug. 12th-14th. With more than 40 acts, workshops and activities, it’s not to be missed! Day passes and weekend passes are available. Full schedule will be released soon at

- De Bruces A Mi
- Coco Love Alcorn
- Frank Yamma
- Samantha Martin & Delta Sugar
- The Dead South
- Brandon Isaak
- 1Nite
- The Burying Ground
- The Misery Mountain Boys
- Linda McRae
- Raghu Lokanathan
- 5 Smooth Stones
- Navaz
- Five Alarm Funk
- DJ Ole Fashion
- The Imprints
- Hachey The Mouthpeace
- Lexi Marie
- Doug Koyama
- Sam Klass
- Tim Bennett
- Kym Gouchie
- North Easton
- Zonnis
- Red Haven
- The Joey Only Outlaw Band
- Samson’s Delilah
- Blocktreat
- For the young and young-at-heart
- The Perry Springman Band
- Barefoot Caravan Workshops
- Jesaja Class
- Bees Knees Yoga for little bees
- The Bees Knees Yoga with Donalda
- Mixed Media Art Journaling with Paula Scott
- Milan Basic – Live Mural Painting
- Raven Moon
- Sam Buka
*** ADULTS ONLY! ***
” Bottoms Up Baring Burlesque
” Kat Single-Dain and Patrick Kearns
” The Dirrty Show