Spencer Hall, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, RMG

The Village of Valemount is inviting residents to view and comment on its amended five-year financial plan after council gave the amendment bylaw its first, second and third readings earlier this month.
B.C.’s community charter states a municipality can’t make expenditures that aren’t included in the financial plan. If an unexpected expenditure comes up during the year, the financial plan has to be amended by bylaw before the expenditure can be made. The municipality also has to consult the public before it can make the amendment and the financial plan has to outline proposed revenue sources.
The Village’s proposed amendments to the financial plan include $107,338 in school and policing costs recovered by property taxation ” which according to McNee is offset by amounts the Village paid to school and policing agencies,

Other amendments include $185,000 in additional costs from the Village’s staff housing project ” which the Village says is offset by a Northern Capital Planning Grant and rental income ” and $20,000 for lift station upgrades. McNee says the cost of the upgrades are offset by revenue from increased sewer sales resulting from the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion project.

Residents can view the amended financial plan at the Village of Valemount website. Those who wish to comment can do so until December 4th at 12 p.m. by emailing McNee at [email protected].

The Village will provide all comments it receives to council before the final reading of the bylaw, which is expected to be on the December 12th meeting agenda.