By Andrea Arnold

The Valemount council meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Pete Pearson. Councillor Hollie Blanchette attended remotely. Mayor Owen Torgerson and Councillor Donnie MacLean were not in attendance.

Pearson started by acknowledging that it is Chamber of Commerce week and wanted to recognize them for all the work they do in the community.

Brought out from January 24, 2023’s in-camera portion of the meeting, Council concluded the agreement with Megan Vicente as Subdivision Approving Officer and appointed Krista Etty (small subdivisions).

Housing Update

There was a delegation from M’akola Development Services re the Robson Valley Community Services Childcare and Affordable Housing Project. Hillary Morgan presented on behalf of M’akola. She gave an overview of what services the building will provide, childcare and affordable housing for women and children. She discussed the importance of funding partners both through land and capital funds. For example, BC Housing, Columbia Basin Trust, the Ministry of Education, and the Village of Valemount are all working together on this project. The project is in the construction phase, and the building is approximately 75 per cent complete and is on schedule to be finished in June 2023. The childcare centre will be called Roots of Life Childcare Centre, and hopefully will open in Fall 2023. RVCS is working with Simpcw First Nations to incorporate Indigenous language into the names for each childcare room. A local childcare consultant is working to support RVCS with the opening of the centre. A Residential Coordinator has been hired to take the lead on policies, procedures and tenanting for the housing sector. Morgan drew attention to the four main points of the funding agreement between the Village of Valemount and the Ministry of Education and Childcare: quarterly reports provided by M’akola, Final reporting provided by M’akola, 72 licensed child care spaces and childcare services must continue for 15 years.

Grant application

Council moved to support Tourism Valemount’s application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust Marketing Initiative grant.

Building Inspector Report January 2023

Permit Values – Estimated construction values for January

Building Permits: $8000 

New Solid Fuel Appliances: $12,000 

Total: $20,000 This total reflects an accessory building and 2 new wood burning appliances. 

Permit Fees Collected

Building Permits: $142.00 

New Solid Fuel Appliances: $260.00 

Total: $402.00 

Permits issued

Building Permits: 1 

New Solid Fuel Appliances: 2 

New permit numbers are typically low at this time of year  

Bylaw Enforcement Summary January 2023

In January, the following contractions were reported: three animal protection violations, two good neighbour bylaw violations, one open air burning bylaw violation and two zoning bylaw violations.

Temporary Use Permit

Council granted initial approval to temporary use permit 23-01 (a renewal of TUP-21-05) for 1070 14th ave for a period of three years. This is a one-time renewal allowing RVs to be used as short term residences. This was one of the first applications received, prior to the duration of permits being for two-year terms. The applicant is requesting the renewal be for three years to be in line with the four years now permitted (two year initial approval and one two year renewal.)

Bylaws and Policies

Council adopted Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 869, 2023 as presented.  The following two fees have been removed: Home Occupation “ Rural as this is not a designation under the new zoning bylaw, and the Visitor Information Consignment Fee is no longer required. Those selling consignment goods pay a percentage of their profits to the VIC.

Council adopted Council Remuneration Bylaw No 870,2023 as presented. This adoption will correct minor errors within the bylaw regarding dates and a policy number that needed correcting.

Council gave third reading to Road Closure Bylaw No. 872,2023. Part of the planning involved for the Valemount Senior Citizens Housing Societies proposed housing development includes the closure of a portion of the road just south of the high school. This road closure has been identified as a requirement for the subdivision of the land.

Notice of Motion

Councillor Blanchette would like the village to have a discussion with the RCMP to see what can be done about the amount of speeding occurring in town, before the winter season is over and speeds increase. She spoke of a personal observation where she saw someone go past going at least 80km/hr.

Councillor Pearson made a motion to enter the Village of Valemount in the Strongest Town contest. The nominations are for those who are building stronger and more financially resilient communities. The contest wants to shine a light on communities that are in the process of becoming stronger. Council voted to have administration proceed with entering the contest.

In camera

Council moved to an in-camera council meeting for consideration of one item per section 90 (1) (k) of the community charter to discuss matters related to negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council could reasonably be expected to harm the interest of the municipality if they were held in public.