By Andrea Arnold

The Robson Valley Community Centre was abuzz with activity this past weekend. The Annual Ladies Curling Bonspiel and the Old Timers Hockey Tournament returned after a two-year absence. Approximately 200 participants and many more spectators enjoyed three days of activity and socializing.” 

The 16 team bonspiel was brought to you by the letter F and teams did not disappoint with the variety of creative F themed costumes.

Bonspiel Results
1st in A – Cathy Sauer (from Clearwater)
2nd in A – Christa Barnes
3rd in A – Laura Van Dijk

1st in B – Shirley Lirette
2nd in B – Rita Aspeslet
3rd in B – Michelle Gredling

1st in C – Shelley Graffunder (from Clearwater)
2nd in C – Dawn Hickerty
3rd in C – Laura-Lea Peck

First Knockout – Katharina McNaughton
Best Dressed Team – The Flamingos
Best Bonspieler – Jan Bratton

Hockey Results
Rankings for this tournament are not as one would expect. There are point values given for winning each period as well
as the winner of a shoot out during each game.

The McBride Oldtimers went undefeated in game play, but that did not secure them a first place finish.